~ Chapter 12 ~

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Mi Sun focus:

Mi Sun slowly opened her eyes but then instantly regreted, it as her body was now waking up and all the cuts and bruises from earlier decided to make their presence known. In a loud agonising way.

Once the intital pain had faded Mi Sun became aware of her surroundings. Or more like the lack the of familar surroundings. Carefully she sat up in the soft double bed she was lying in. Mi Sun looked around and started to panic, was she dead? Had her father actually killed her and now she was in heaven? But if she had died then surely she shouldn't be in pain, right?

A loud CLANG sounded from downstairs. Someone else was here but who? Mi Sun went to investigate but as soon as her feet touched the floor her whole body collapsed causing her to smash her knee against the wooden floorboards. 'Yep definitely not dead' she thought.

She pushed herself to get feet and forces them to move towards the door. The smell of something cooking drifted up the stairs and with a sudden pang in her stomach Mi Sun felt the urge to eat and for once she was going to listen.

A head appeared from around a corner, which Mi Sun assumed was the kitchen, "Ah your up I thought you heard you. You hungry? I was making myself an omelette do you want one?" All Mi Sun could manage was a meak nod and a very confused expression.

This was not what she had expected. Now Mi Sun was back to questioning if she was dead.

The guy from earlier??

The guy who was friends with the Bantan Boys. Forget that, is a Bangtan Boy!! And he was just causally making her an omelette when they weren't even friends, Hell Mi Sun didn't even know his name.

"Make yourself at home, the living room is through the door on the right" he called once again.

Mi Sun made her way into the living room. It was small and simple but it had a almost cozy feel to it. Mi Sun smiled, a picture of two young boys sat on the window sill. The two boys were beaming brightly at the camera but the taller one of the two had a look of having seen things that his young eyes shouldn't have. You wouldn't have noticed it at first glance because it was very well hidden but Mi Sun saw it. She always saw that look.

"That's me and my younger brother.(I know in real life Jungkook is the younger brother but for the purpose of this story its the other way around) We're....we....we were really close until....." Mi Sun turned around in alarm, she hadn't heard him come in " You two looked so alike you know" Jungkook smiled " Mhm, I've been told..... I'm Jungkook by the way" He handed her a plate full of light fluffy omelettes along with a bottle of Soju. "Eat up, you look like you need it"

Mi Sun took a small forkful of omelette and was pleasantly surprised to find that it actually tasted really good. Jungkook took a swig of his soju "So tell me a bit about yourself" Mi Sun looked over at him "YOU want to know about me!? Well how about YOU tell me what I'm doing here and how it has anything to do with you!" Jungkook lent forward and cocked his head "You really don't remember?" Mi Sun shook her head. Jungkook looked at her in disbelief

"It was raining and I was walking to" he paused " i was walking to a place and I decided to take a shortcut" Mi Sun rolled her eyes " A place? Very specific" Jungkook chuckles and carried on "I was walking past a row of houses and you came hurdling out of one and ran straight into me. You were.... so beaten and bloody and in tears as well. Your dad came out after you and started threatening me because I was the only thing keeping your unconscious body from hitting the floor but of course he didn't see it that way." Jungkook paused again and wondered if he should carry on "And let's just say he's now got a bloody nose which is highly likely broken and you Mi Sun are never going back there!!"

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are telling me I can't go back to my own house!?" Mi Sun went to stand up in outrage but the alcohol had gone straight to her bloodstream and was now messing with her balance. Jungkook caught her before she fell and guided her back to her seat. Normally, if this had been anyone else he would have taken away the drinks but he left them. He needed answers and Mi Sun looked like she could do with a chance to unwind as well. Of course he wasn't going to let it get out of hand but the girl needed something.

"Look...I know I have no right to be telling you this but if you go back there he WILL kill you! And I won't make the same mistake again!" Now this got Mi Sun's attention "Again? What do you mean again?" But Jungkook had gone silent and Mi Sun knew she wasn't meant to have heard that and she certainly wasn't getting any more.

Hey guys,

So this was a bit longer than usual, it's getting easier to make them longer but it's still a long process.

Until next time

Bye 💜💜

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