~ Chapter 11 ~

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Jungkook focus:

Fat heavy droplets of water clung to the fragile spider web as a small sliver of sunlight shone through the carefully strung web. Jungkook sighed, why couldn't everything in life be that beautiful.But he knew the moment couldn't last, as the heavy rain clouds rolled in blocking out all light, Jungkook started to walk once again.

The scenario from earlier was still on his mind. The look of hurt in Mi Sun's eyes was a look he wasn't going to be forgetting any time soon. That girl had been through something big and he wanted to help. He wasn't going to let her suffer in silence just like he did, like they both had. 

Rain drops began to fall and Jungkook was still ages away from his house. In the end Jungkook turned down a alleyway that he hoped was a shortcut. It lead him to an area of town he was unfamiliar with. It wasn't that it was run down and it wasn't that it was posh, it was exactly like the kind of road he lived on, but something told him that this wasn't a place he wanted to stay in and it certainly wasn't a place he would be welcomed in. By now his shirt was soaked through and was clinging to his upper torso. He shivered, as he stepped in yet another puddle, he looked down at his watch in despair. “Crap!!” He thought to himself. Jungkook picked up his pace as he remembered he had somewhere to be and at this rate he was going to be very late. 

Mi Sun focus:

He’s finally lost it. My father has finally lost it Mi Sun thought to herself as she ran into the bathroom and locked the door. A loud crash was heard from down the stairs as another beer bottle was thrown at the wall where Mi Sun had been just a minute ago. A loud bellow bounced off the walls as if her father had been possessed by the devil. Mi Sun sank to the floor with her back against the door. Her heart pounded against her chest, as she tried to catch her breath. Gingerly, she touched the side of her face, warm sticky blood dripped down her fingers as she pulled her hand away. The pain was immense and her whole vision was spinning. This wasn’t good.

With a jolt she realised it had gone silent. The sound of silence was more terrifying than the shouts of her father. Mi Sun went to pull herself up using the nearby towel rail but was meet by an agonising pain through her wrist that caused her to gasp in shock. Silent tears rolled down Mi Sun’s face as the reality of what was going on finally began to set in. She had to get out. It was now or never and she didn’t think she’d last much longer in this house. 

Mi Sun pressed her ear against the door. Silence. He must have passed out or knocked himself unconscious she thought to herself. Now was her chance. Just as she was about to start opening the door, a loud thud and angry yelling was heard on the other side of the door. Then the sound of someone trying to force open the door was heard as the wood around the door began to splinter. Mi Sun screamed, she had never felt as much fear as she did right then in her life. He was going to kill her. Mi Sun began to panic, her only chance was to get out of the house but there was one giant angry problem. Her dad was blocking the only way to the front door and there was no way she could climb through the bathroom window. CRACK!! Large chunks of wood fell away from the door “ I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE. COME OUT YOU LITTLE SLUT!!” 

Mi Sun began to lose her grip on the world, her vision was dipping in and out and she was on the verge of passing out. She had to get out. She took a deep breath to try and clear as much of her vision as she could and then she lunged.

With cat like reflexes, she flung open the door and shoved passed her father. It all only took a few seconds but to Mi Sun it felt like an entirety. She ran straight towards the stairs but not before her father swung the crowbar directly at her head and unfortunately it made immediate contact with Mi Sun’s head. Mi Sun gasped as she crumbled into a heap at the top the stairs, she just had to get down the stairs and out the door. Her fathers head loomed over her “ YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD ESCAPE FROM ME DID YOU? WELL GUESS WHAT YOUR WRONG! SO VERY WRONG” and with that he kicked Mi Sun in the side and sent her flying down the stairs. Stars span round Mi Sun and the small salad she had eaten earlier threatened to come back up. 

That was the thing with Mi Sun she never ate much even when the opportunity to eat is given to her by someone other than her dad, and that was a rare occurrence as it was, because she knew it would be a waste in the long run. It had been such a long time since Mi Sun had had a full meal that when she could she was unable to stomach it. The feeling of food in her stomach  no longer felt like a sensation that should be enjoyed, it made her feel sicken by her own actions as she no longer believed she needed it or deserved it. It all started with cutting out lunch and well, she began to think if she didn’t need lunch then did she really need breakfast or dinner. Despite all this her father still called her a pig and made constant jokes about how she eats. So she just stopped. She ate as little as she could get away with and that was a lot less than she should have been able to do.

Mi Sun’s whole body began to tremble. Deep thunderous laughs rumbled down the stairs as Mi Sun shrank away from the stairs. She was so close now. All she had to do was pull herself up to her feet, open the front door and then run, run as far and as fast as her weaken body would carry her. With a desperate intake of air Mi Sun shoved herself to her feet and and for the second time that day flung open a door and ran out, but what she didn’t realise was the tall, handsome stranger at the end of the path that lead to the house until it was too late. Mi Sun went head first into the chest of the stranger and that was the last her body could take. It was one collision to many, and her body gave up and collapsed into the arms of the stranger who was soaked through with rain water.

Jungkook focus:

The rain began to come down harder so Jungkook walked even faster until he passed a house where an extreme amount of yelling was coming from. Then without warning a young girl came barrelling out of the door and collided right into him. The girl’s face was covered in blood that had stained most of her clothes, a deep sticky wound shone out from the side of the girl’s face and her whole body was trembling. A dark and thunderous look formed across Jungkook’s face. Because the face that was looking up at him was the face of a girl who he had been arguing with just a few hours ago.

Mi Sun!!

Her eyes closed as her body collapsed under her weight. Jungkook was the only thing holding her up. Jungkook scoped the small girl up in his arms and on to his back  and began to walk away, there was no way he was going to let her stay here. It all made sense now, the look of fear in her eyes, the defensive attitude and the clearance pain she had been in earlier, and it all made Jungkook more determined to help Mi Sun because she clearly couldn’t take any more. But just as fast as Mi Sun had come out of the house so did her dad and he was on top of Jungkook within seconds.

“WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? AND WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING? AND IN ALL HONESTY I DON’T CARE BUT YOU DON’T NOT GET TO COME IN HERE AND TAKE MY DAUGHTER AWAY FROM ME, YOU HEAR ME!?” Jungkook froze for a second as he stupidly let himself go back, but as soon as he started going back he stopped and was back in the present. Jungkook took a couple steps backwards and put Mi Sun on the pavement leaning against the wall and then he pounced.

In the blink of an eye Jungkook had Mi Sun’s dad pinned against the door of his house and had his face as close as he could get. “WHO THE HELL AM I? WHO THE HELL ARE YOU MORE LIKE! HOW DARE YOU TREAT SUCH A YOUNG TALENTED GIRL WITH SUCH A HORRIBLE ATTITUDE! YOU’VE HURT THIS GIRL IN SO MANY WAYS THAT YOU DO NOT DESERVE THE TITLE OF HER FATHER. SHE DESERVES SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU AND IF EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN YOU WILL BE DEALING WITH ME BECAUSE I WILL NOT LET HER BE HURT BY AGAIN! DO YOU HEAR ME!?” In one swift fluid movement Jungkook punched Mi Sun’s father in the face leaving him with a bloody nose and hopefully a very painful bruise.

Jungkook turned and picked Mi Sun up and carried her bridal style away from her house and away from the place that had been her place of torment for years and he wasn’t going to let her go back. He wasn't going to make the same mistake again.

Hey guys,
So this chapter was rather long in fact it's the longest I've written but I wanted to try and make up for the long absence as in all honesty I kind of forgot I started this and I've been stuck on what to write.

I hope the chapter is alright and if there are any typos or errors then I apologise because I haven't checked this at all because  it was so long I didn't feel like checking all of it.

Until the next time I can be bothered to update

Bye 💜💜

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