~ Chapter 10 ~ Part 2

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"HEY!!" Jungkook called as he grabbed the girls wrist and spun her round with great force. She hissed and recoiled in pain.

And that's when everything changed for Jungkook. Jungkook knew that kind of pain. He'd seen it, he'd felt it, he'd seen it tear people apart. He knew it wasn't a pain that would get better on its own.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME??" the girl yelled as a single tear rolls down her face but it doesn't last long. She quickly wipes away the tear with such force that it seemed like the single tear had angered her.

Jungkook sighed, "Look.... I just.... I just want to talk. And....wait!? Are you crying?" Jungkook's eyes widen in concern. This wasn't how it was meant to go. Jungkook started to panic, this wasn't good!! He just wanted to help not make her cry.

"I'M FINE!! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" She started to walk away " I just wanted to return your drawing, no need to be so rude you selfish bitch, I was trying to do you a favour but clearly you don't care or want my help!!"


Inside Jungkook's head:

'What the hell just happened?? That bitch!! You try to do one nice  thing and people just throw it back in your face

What's the actual point anymore? People are just dicks who leave you hanging. The only person you can rely on is yourself....But even that at times is a risk.

But she looked so hurt. Just the look in her eyes told a different story to the words that she said. The eyes never lie. I've seen that pain before, I know it all to well, she needs someone on her side.

But clearly she doesn't want anyone!! Whatever she's hiding she can fucking keep it!! No way am I putting up with that shit. Not again.

But that's exactly what happened last time. Help was thrown at us from many directions but we pushed it away. I pushed it away. I thought it would help.

What the hell do I do?? On the one hand I don't even know her, so I shouldn't be wasting all of my time on her. But on the other side she's hurting. And badly. I made a promise to him and I have to keep it....'(Out Loud) "ARRGH!! I don't even know her and all she's doing is pushing me away and yet she's still in my head."

Jungkook focus:

At this point Jungkook's hand was now very red and bruised and the contents of his bag was spread all over the rooftop.

Various pieces of old school work swirled round the rooftop like a caged bird who had been set free. But Jungkook didn't notice the one piece of paper that was different to the rest, until it literally hit him in the face.

It was a poem. A dark and twisted poem but beautiful as well in its own unique way. It was not just the contents of the paper that was different, it was the name.

A name he had been chasing for so long now and had been so close to getting is now in his hands.

Mi Sun.

The name of the girl who had occupied so much of his time and the name of a girl who was hurting. The name of a girl whose poem left Jungkook with sense of deja vu.

Everyone's actions has an affect on someone else in one way or another. And this has seriously fucked him up.
Hey guys, I'm so sorry for yet another late update. I just couldn't get this chapter right and it's still not there in my opinion but it will do.

Hope the story still makes sense, I have no idea anymore.

Also is it just me who's unhappy with the latest wattpad update?? Even though nothing has really changed I'm not a fan of this new update.

But anyways hope you all enjoyed this chapter and until next time.


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