~ Chapter 7 ~

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Jimin's laugh cut high above everyone else's as he laughed at one of Jin's dad jokes,(What do you call an alligator in a vest?...... A investigator) while everyone else was laughing at Jimin because he fell for one of Jins joke.

But it wasn't until too late did they all notice a small figure approaching them.

The girls books fell to the floor with a loud thud, while her lose pieces of paper were caught in the early spring breeze and thrown high into the sky. The girls face flushed bright red with embrassment from behind her long hair, it was clear she was uncomfortable with the situation. She desperately scrambled to retrieve all her belongings but the wind wasn't making easy for her.

The rest of Bangtan didn't look like they were going to even consider the thought of helping the girl. Jungkook however took pity on the girl, he reached his arms above his head to pull a piece of paper out of the tree. It was a drawing of a young girl trapped behind several rows of bars that seemed to be holding the girl in.

(I did not draw this all credit goes to the rightful owner, I just wanted you to imagine a drawing similar to this)

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(I did not draw this all credit goes to the rightful owner, I just wanted you to imagine a drawing similar to this)

The words; hopeless, trapped, freedom, imprisoned and abused were all doodled around the edge of the drawing, all in different fonts and styles.

Then just as soon as he had looked over the majority of the image it was abruptly snatched out of his hands, Jungkook looked up in confusion and disbelief that someone had dared to take something from him without his say so. He was met with the dark brown orbs of Yoongi's eyes. He quickly relented his look of intimation as he knew Yoongi could do some serious damage to him if he angered him.

The picture was then just as quick as it has been taken from Jungkook passed around the group of boys as they all shook with laugher one by one as they all had their glance of the image.

The girl in question however paused for a moment  to assess the source of their laughter. She then turned a deeper shade of red as she realised what piece of paper the boys had hold of.

With great speed and new found energy the girl took off, leaving the boys with her drawing. One they did not know held the tears of a girl who was slowly losing hope.

Jungkook sighed, why did she always do this and why was he so intrigued by this one girl when he could have anyone he wanted.

The boys started to turn to leave for the rooftop, where they had been on their way to before they had bumped into the girl but not before they screwed up the drawing and tossed it into the nearest bin.
Jungkook who was on the receiving end of a smack round the head was snapped out of his thoughts and landed back in reality with a hard thump. " You coming?" Namjoon questioned "Yeah, I'll be there in a sec" Namjoon shrugged his shoulders and returned back to stopping Hoeseok from poking Taehyung in the ear whilst Jin just stood there and laughed while telling the pair of trouble makers that they were outstanding because they were outside. Jimin once again cracked up at this joke and Yoongi just sighed.

The boys wandered off towards the rooftop, leaving Jungkook to his thoughts and that was never a good idea.

He thought about the look of embrassment on the girls face once she had realised what they were looking at. She'll probably want the drawing back as it had looked like the drawing meant something to her and it wasn't something she had wanted other people to see.

In a hasty decision, Jungkook grabbed the drawing from the bin and ran off in the direction the girl had gone. He was going to finally see what it was about this girl that intrigued him so much.
Hey guys,
So this was kinda a filler chapter but also helps the story as well so bare with me.

Anyone have an idea as to who the girl is?? I've probably made very obvious but feel free to guess anyway.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter!! Until next time!!


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