Chap. 3 - The Portal in the Grass

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As I looked around, I saw that the wraith was still following me. Terror pulsed through me, and I sprinted to my room.

On my way there, I slammed into my dad. He pushed me back, and smiled. I tried to yell at him, but I couldn't talk. I pulled him to my room, but the wraith was quick. Its long sword slashed my dad, and he fell to the floor. Blood sprayed my face, and the wall. He laid on the floor, death consuming him.

I managed to scream; tears ran down my face. The wraith screeched, and approached me.

Before it brought its sword on my shoulder, I stumbled to the laundry room. I shoved past the dirty clothes hamper, spilling its contents to get to the door that led outside. The wraith screeched again, and looked around.

He didn't seem to see me! I fumbled with the handle, and my sweaty hands gripped it. I shoved the door open, and fled from the house. My dogs appeared, and followed me. The wind howled, and thunder boomed as a fork of lightning lit up the forest. It was dark once the lightning stopped flashing.

I turned to my dogs. "Stop! No! Stay!" I yelled, tearing up at the sight of the wraith. I shoved them away, not wanting them to be harmed. Within the sight of the wraith, they yelped and sprinted away from me.

I turned to the forest. Goblin things charged towards me. Arrows rained down from behind me, killing the creatures.

I faced the direction in which the arrows came. Tall, and beautiful beings came towards me. I stood in shock as they ran by towards the goblins. I got a glimpse of some up close. Their ears were.. Pointed!

I blinked, getting rid of tears that had taken refuge in my eyes. I looked again. Elves! I stared at them in wonder; but was forced to stop as hail mixed with rain pelted me. My hair was soaked, along with my shirt.

As I ran for the shelter of the trees, something caught my eyes. A light in the tall grass near the road gravitated me towards it.

A screech made me cringe. The wraith. It was battling the with the elves. I glanced at the battle, and sprinted with all my energy towards the light.

I dove into the grass; which shielded me from view from the battling beings. I turned my gaze to the glowing light; which was a tall orb. An image appeared in the orb. In it, I saw a forest, with big green deciduous trees and sun shining through the leaves. I looked back at my house.

"It's just a dream! A nightmare!" I said to myself, my heart pounding with the complexity of this dream.

I squinted at the battling elves and the wraith. I made up my mind. I would go back to my house, and try to wake up.

As I started to walk away from the light, a strange force pulled me towards it. I struggled against its grasp; which I now know what those astronauts in space movies experienced with black holes.
I couldn't get out of its grasp, no matter how hard I tried.

As I tried to get away, I screamed in frustration and ran as hard as I could. I was not going anywhere; it was like I was on a treadmill. I slipped on the wet grass as more hail and rain fell. A loud screech and a huge gust of air pushed me back towards it. Thunder boomed even louder. The hail pelted my face, and it began to sting.

The orb's force got stronger. It was now pulling me towards it. There was no escaping now. I clenched onto the grass, digging my fingers into the soil; trying to get a better grip. The combination of rain and hail was making the grass even more slick.

I was losing my grip! I clenched my jaw, and held on as best as I could.

A bolt of lightning struck the ground near me. The flash blinded me, and I finally lost my grip.

The light sucked me in, and I started to spin. It felt like I was in a vaccuum.

I screamed, and I felt like my skin was being ripped off. After about what seemed like 10 seconds, I plummetted from the sky. I saw the ground fast approaching. Trees were everywhere and the sun was shining. Just like the image I saw in the light before it sucked me in.

The blast of wind was so strong, my eyes were watering. I saw smoke, and felt relieved for some reason.

I felt like I was nothing when I was falling. This is what skydiving must feel like; except it must be much safer with the parachute.

"I'm probably going to die!" I yelled to myself. I came incredibly close to the trees. I closed my eyes, and waited for my death.

Woo! Chapter three. Intense! She will meet Aragorn sometime in the next chapters... I just got excited. XD

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