Chap. 16 - Mines of Moria Pt. 3

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An orc's hand burst through the decaying door. Legolas let loose an arrow, and killed it. After a painful 10 seconds of waiting, the orcs break the door down and flow into the room. I release my arrows, killing the orcs on target. I have never killed a living being with any of my arrows, but now I get to test out my skill with that.

Orc blood splattered against my face, and I kept releasing arrows, immediately killing them, and my attention was focused on the orcs. A loud growl and huge stomps shook the floor.

A troll came in with a huge club, and swung it at the tomb Gimli was standing on. Aragorn yelled to Boromir to grab the chain the troll was attached to. They pulled, and the troll spun around to face them. Aragorn let go of the chain, while Boromir still clung on to it for dear life. The troll grabbed it, and flung Boromir into the wall.

I looked at the hobbits, and saw a lot of orcs advancing towards them. I did something crazy. I ran up the stairs, killing the orcs coming my way, and took a leap. It felt like I jumped in slow motion. I landed in front of the hobbits. Sam was hitting orcs on the head with his frying pan; while Frodo, Merry, and Pippin were using swords.

I killed the advancing orcs, but forgot about the troll. It turned around to face me after Legolas shot it in the chest. I let loose an arrow, and it pierced its eyeball. It screeched, and swung its club.

"Move back!" I yelled to the hobbits.

We retreated, and the troll's club smashed the pathway between us. Sam, Merry and Pippin were on the other side of the broken rock, and we couldn't get over. Frodo and I were trapped. The only way out was getting smushed by the troll! The troll reached for me, but I dodged between two pillars.

"Frodo! This way!" I yelled. I grabbed his shoulders, and pulled him close.

We hid behind a pillar, and the troll sniffed the opposite side of the pillar. Its ugly head disappeared. I pushed Frodo to move to the other side of the pillar.

Aragorn ran towards us, "Frodo! Alex!"

He battled the orcs in his way. I loaded another arrow, expecting the troll to come around the other side. Frodo yelled, and I looked behind me. The troll was reaching for me again. I yelled, and let loose another arrow. The arrow hit the troll in the cheek, and it thrashed its arms in pain.

I didn't have time to move, and its giant hand hit me. The wind was knocked out of me, and I was launched across the room. I felt like a baseball once it got hit by the bat. I flew through the air, and hit the hard stone wall. I slid onto the floor, and groaned in pain. I coughed up blood, and sat up.

My side hurt a lot. I wiped my face, just smearing the blood. Aragorn looked over, after he shoved a stake into the troll's chest.

He started to come over, but I shook my head frantically. I couldn't yell out to him, to warn him about the troll. The troll pulled the stake out of it's chest with a terrible scream, and batted Aragorn like he did to me.

Aragorn landed on the floor, motionless. I gasped, and crawled over to him. Boromir killed the last of the orcs, and came towards me. I shook my head, and tried as best as I could to talk, "Get Frodo!"

Boromir and Legolas ran over to Frodo, who was cornered by the troll. As I crawled to Aragorn's limp body, I looked at the troll. It was holding the stake Aragorn had driven into its body, and threw it at Frodo.

"No!" I yelled hoarsely.

The other three hobbits yelled, and Merry and Pippin jumped onto the troll's back. Sam ran to Frodo, as did Gandalf. Boromir and Legolas approached the troll. Gimli slashed at its feet and legs, and Legolas shot it in the forehead. The troll groaned, and fell onto the floor with a loud boom.

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