Settling into motion

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The pair now known to the group sat down and began an explanation, a more in depth one, of Mao's master plan. When they were told about what Mao was planning to do, the entire group was enraged.

So, they began to develop a counter measure against Mao. He may not have many minions, but the ones he does have are strong. Zeldris started off with the basic layout of the base. Making a point to announce where each individual guard is positioned. The main person intently listening was Natsu. His rage for what Mao wanted to do to Lucy, his own daughter powered his decisions. Knowing every detail would always come in handy. Plans can backfire so improve would set in and knowing these things will prove necessary.

The layout of the base was simple. The plan that would officially take down Mao was nothing compared to simple.
The details of the base of the plan thought up in the guild hall is Laxus, Mirajane, King, and Diane, are guarding the exit. While Gray, Mavis, Zeref, and Ban will be guarding the entrance. Leaving Natsu, Erza, Elizabeth, Lucy and Meliodas to destroy the gate and take out Mao. The only problem would be their back up plan.

Thus the few left awake due to the late time of night, concocted the back up plan. With little heart that it'd not be needed.

As the sky brightened, gradually each and every member began to awake from their slumber. With all of them awake the group began preparing for whatever details could go wrong or any problems that could arise.
                ELIZABETH   P. O. V.

With every thing that's happening I am a little frightened. I don't know what will go wrong. I haven't any idea what could happen. I just up the all of us come back uninjured. With everyone together.

I know that both individual groups are a force to be reckon with, but I still have worries. At least we have Lady Lucy back along with Sir Zeldris. With him knowing all of the guards placing, as well as the plot Mao concocted. 

Once everything calms down I will make it known to Sir Meliodas how I feel about him. All that has happened between the Holy Knights and Hendrickson to now and me being kidnapped. I don't want the time that I have with Sir Meliodas to be over.

I just hope that none of the fears and doubts I have occur during this altercation. No one is going to get hurt and Mao will not succeed in erasing Sir Meliodas from existence.
                  NORMAL P. O. V.

The group set everything they could need in a pile before dividing the load evenly as to allow easier travel. Seeing as the trip to The Devil's Cove took at least two day. Even with a carriage it took a long time to arrive there. With their final requirements met the door of the Board Hat was locked till they returned.

As they began walking away from the comfort of the bar Elizabeth grew more worried and nervous about what was to come. Even though she knew how strong every single one of her companions that came was, she was still scared something would go wrong. Even the simplest problem could arise and drail all that they planned, including their back up plans.

Every step that Natsu took helped fuel his anger. Every step taken was a step closer to destroying that man the made her cry. The man that was the reason for her suffering. Natsu had been enraged since the moment he found out it was not Zeldris' doing, rather Mao's doing, that was causing Lucy so much heartache. It was Mao that has caused her pain from the past to resurface. He knew how much pain she was in, the smile she'd plaster on her face was not the one that caused her eyes to sparkle. It was not the smile he adored. So Natsu was determined to destroy Mao and bring her beautiful smile back, while in the process returning the sparkle in her eyes. He would not let Mao get away with making her suffer again.

Lucy's eyes were down casted. The weight of what was happening made her feel broken. It was to her like the universe was telling her you shall not be happy. You shall suffer under Mao's wrath. With Meliodas being the main person that brought her happiness in their past the universe decided to erase his existence. Or so it seemed to Lucy. The only thing keeping her going was those that surrounded her. They were always going to be by her side. These people would always have her back. Just like she'd do should a problem of theirs arise. It brought her the strength the continue on with the group. It brought her the strength to move forward in to what will cause the future of her life. One with joy and happiness.
I am so happy I could cry 😭 we have reached over 12k reads. I can not thank you all enough. Though sadly we don't have many chapters left. There are 16 chapters left. Though there aren't many chapters left there are still chapters to read. Anyway this chapter's shout outs are holycats34 and goddessXyukihime. I also want to shout out MagicalStories517. Can't express to all of you how much their comment meant to me.

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