Lucy's Guild Member

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Many things were worrying Merlin. She just hoped that her disappearance wouldn't be questioned as she continued on her way.

It was a nerve wracking thing. Not knowing if it'd be better to keep the two in the dark. She didn't know if she would make the right choice. She didn't know what would happen due to her choice. It was frightening for her.

Her choice could result in her completely loosing her family. She could lose her children. She already couldn't be there for them as they grew up. Mao had taken them from her. They were ripped right out from under her.

Would they blame her for their suffering? The suffering that Mao made them endured. She could only imagine how their childhood was.

She remembered the last time she had been able to hold Zeldris' hand. The last time she was able to cradle Estarossa in her arms. His tiny fingers wrapping around hers. As tiring as it was, she loved taking care of them. Seeing their gummy smiles that took over their chubby cheeks. Hearing their little giggles. With the only remaining photo she got of the two grasped in her trembling hands, she knew as scared as it made her, she needed to tell them.

She needed to tell Zeldris and Estarossa she was their mother. Though she didn't know if he would agree. He was her husband, their father. His decision mattered as much as hers did.

The house that she adored. The house with hundreds of memories embedded in it's walls. She was standing on its porch. She stopped, taking a breath and standing in her spot to just admire her house of many years.

With a slight pressure weighing and on her shoulders she twisted the front door knob, opening the faded white door. With its age the door creaked as it was opened, alerting the house's remaining resident.

The click of the door satisfied Merlin, this she turned around. Only to be spooked by her dirty blonde haired husband. She had a lot of weight lifted from her shoulders just from seeing him. He had been her stable rock for years. Even without saying anything he still could help her.

The two sat on their sofa. Merlin just taking a minute to absorb the love her husband emitted, whilst he cradle her in his embrace.

He broke the silence the waffted throughout their home. He said " Merlin, how...are they happy? Are they at least okay?" She smiled as she replied " yes, their healthy and incredibly strong. They adore their cousins. I want to tell them. I want to tell them who we are. I know it's risky, they could hate us. They may want nothing to do with us, but frankly...I don't care.

If I have even the slightest of a chance to be able to speak with them. To be able to speak with them as their mother. I'll gladly take that chance, Max"

The man pulled her closer to his chest before he said " Merlin, I'm with you all the way. You're my wife and their our children. I feel exactly like you do."

The two decided that it'd be best to speak with their children in the morning along with their cousins. It had already been a long day. Merlin was tired and exhausted, she could only imagine how Zeldris felt. She had know clue how Estarossa felt. He fortunately had taken no part in the fight, but he did discover that everything he knew to be true was not in any way true. He had one brother and no sisters.

When it was around twelve Merlin contacted Meliodas. She told him to meet her with Zeldris, Estarossa, and Lucy. They four would arrive in a few minutes. Max and Merlin were a bit terrified.

When the four got to the house that would have been where Zeldris and Estarossa grew up, Merlin led them into the dinning room. She got them to sit before she left to fetch Max.

When the to entered the room the had brought so food along. It took a few minutes, but Merlin and Max began explaining why they had wanted to speak with the other four.

Merlin began with " It was quite a few years ago, but despite this I remember it as clear as I remember yesterday. I was in my home country, I was meeting with my late sister's husband. He had claimed that he wanted to meet the new edition to the family. Thus, I had cradle the hand of my three year old son and the body of his eight month old brother. Max was away on a job for the day, he'd been gone for three days. So it was only the three of us."

As Merlin trailed off Max placed his hand above her own, gripping it in support. Thus she continued " I had been in that... house for not longer that ten minutes when he had called over my three year old and removed my baby from my arms, with which I cradled him. Before I had any room to protest he had called upon his guards and force me out, out of his house and out of the country. I still can see the confusion that glistened in Zeldris' eyes. The small little smile on his younger brother... Estarossa's face." When the last of her words escaped her lips, the tears followed.

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