Chapter 2: A Strange Land

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Pitch had only transported himself outside of the village Baleen. The forest beyond the village was extremely dense forest, this forest surrounded the entire village except for the southeast portion of the village. On the southeast end there was a clear path leading to other towns. Pitch was on the northwest side of the forest. Which was the darkest part of the surrounding forest, The trees leaves were pure black and every tree looked to be dead.

As Pitch entered the forest the "blood" from his neck had stopped and the wound had healed, as if entering the forest healed him. Pitch went deeper and deeper into the forest, he reached a large clearing in the middle of the forest. In the middle of this clearing had a small charred shack, It looked as if this clearing and suffered al large fire but only this house was damaged. Pitch entered the house to see, nothing as usual. He hit a beam that held up the entire house and it collapsed into a sink hole taking Pitch with it. As soon as the house collapsed it recreated itself again.

Pitch fell, and fell, and fell deeper into an endless abyss. He landed on hard onto a limestone floor. He could hear the sounds of hooves stomping all around him. He was back home in his underground cavern, where nobody could find him not even Elsa. He started to walk around his shoes clicking on the limestone. Pitch walked over a large bronze globe in the middle of the cavern. He noticed that all the lights were twinkling an auburn color; meaning kids believed in him as well as the retched Guardians. When he looked closer at his corner of the globe Pitch noticed that it had a small amount of black surrounding it, he was unsure at to what this was so he let it slide past him.

"Why must that woman always concern herself with me?" Pitch said to himself angrily. His voiced echoed off of the walls and came back to him. "How long will it take her to understand I am trying to help the children escape her grasp?" Pitch sighed and walk around a bit more to try and get the thought of Elsa out of his head. He decided to go out of the cavern and see if he could find anything.

He came of from the charred house and went back to he outskirts of town. From there he traveled of to the southeast end of the forest. At this time of the year the trees were a amber color and full of life. Pitch hated it, he thought it was too bright and beautiful; he walked along the stone path towards a fork in the path. The first and second path were no mystery they led to the towns of Amberstone and Riverwood. But the third path was new, it look just as pleasant as the other two, Pitch had never noticed it before. He decided to go down that path, there were no signs posted on the trees or staked in the ground. Even the stone path looked as if it had not even been used except for maybe a few people. Pitch continued to walk down the path. After about an hour Pitch came across a cottage, it was made out of a wood he had never seen before, in actuality he did not notice any of the surrounding trees. He walked up to the cottage door and knocked on it with his staff

A young man about twenty or so came out of the cottage and looked at Pitch in astonishment. Pitch look at the man with the same expression. The man opened his mouth then closed it not knowing what to say. Pitch said the first words.

" You can see me...but you're an adult. This shouldn't be possible." The man let Pitch in to his cottage, which was decorated nicely. Although it was nice it wasn't tall enough for Pitch to fully stand up in. The celling was so small Pitch had to crouch to avoid hitting it." So how can you see me? Only children can see me, normally adults can feel my presents.

" Well as you probably figured out I am a dwarf; my name is Grey. I have lived here for several decades have never been disturbed until now. I can see you because I'm a mystical creature like you are. My question for you is how did you find me?" Said the dwarf. Pitch just stared at the bearded dwarf with confusion. There is a stone path that leads to his house. He decided not to answer and leave the idiot dwarf alone. " Hey wait, why won't you tell...oh I didn't see this path where did it come from?"

"That I can't answer because I just stumbled across it. Where does it lead?"

"I am as clueless as you, but good luck on your journey young fellow." said Grey with a slight smile. Pitch brushed of the smile and kept going down the path. He had only walked about a mile from Grey's cottage when he spied something large and glowing. as he walked towards it he saw that it emitting sparks of white fire. The glowing mass was settled in a small structure made of Whitestone which was pure stone which had powerful magic.

Pitch decided to step closer to the glowing mass, but paid the price for it . The small structure sealed right as he stepped in and the glowing mass stated to take in everything around it slowly. Vines, small rocks, pieces of cracked Whitestone and even Pitch. He rooted his staff into the Whitestone floor but this only made the mass take things in faster. As soon as he rooted his staff the piece of Whitestone it was attached to come out and sent Pitch into the mass. The entire structure collapsed going into the mass, then collapsing in on itself taking the stone path with it like it never existed.

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