Chapter 1

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Hey peoples. This is my first story so I apologize in advance if its not that good, please just bare with me and hopefully it gets better. I want to tell you before hand that if you message me I might not respond because I usually don't check my messages. THIS STORY WILL POSSIBLY INVOLVE SWEARING! No offensive comments.

picture of Haylee Fisher on the side>>>>>>>

Thanks for giving my story a chance and hopefully you'll enjoy.

Chapter 1

Waking up, I knew today was going to be miserable. I was sore from my last beating that my boyfriend gave me. I was used to it but that doesn't mean that I am accustomed to the pain. My boyfriends name is Aden Smith. He may look like a sweetheart, but believe me looks can be deceiving. I'm evidence of that theory. If it was my choice, I never would of dated him. I quickly pick out my clothes head to the bathroom for a much needed shower. Still to this day, the unwanted memory of the first time meeting Aden entered my mind without permission. At the thought I choked on a sob.He stole me of my innocence without consent at the age of 14; He raped me at a high school party. Power is what he craved, he raped me until I was broken and then he continued by threatening to kill my parents. At the thoughts of my parents, I choked on another sob and quickly exited the shower. After throwing my clothes on, I descended down the stairs and into the kitchen. My parents death left me to be raised by my aunt Kathy. It was no surprise to find a note on the table from my aunt saying she was already at work. My parents weren't rich they were average but after paying for their service and the house bills along with food over the years, the money I received from them had disappeared. Now because of that my aunt is working more hours with no reason given. Looking at the time, I see that I have 15 minutes to get to my school, also known as hell. Swiping an apple, I ventured off to school.

* At School *

I hurriedly walked into the school with my head down. Walking the way to my locker, I got stopped by Missy, the head cheerleader. "Look who we have here, Little Miss Orphan." She said poking my chest with her finger at the end of her sentence. "Leave me alone." I said while attempting to walk away but fate just hates me doesn't it because one of her prissy cheerleaders, Abby, stops me. " Unfortunately," She says her voice dripping sarcasm, " you don't always get what you want. I can see why your stupid parents left you." Those words put tears in my eyes but I willed them not to fall. I never told anyone what had actually happened so my school made up their own stupid story. " They made a good choice," another of Missy's side kicks said. "I know that I would of done the same thing. You were such an ugly brat complaining if you didn't get your way. you brought this on yourself. You made them abandon you." And those were the last words said before they turned on their heals and walked away. Letting a tear streak my face I rushed to the bathroom. As I found a vacant stall I slid down the chamber and let the tears fall more frequently. My school believes that since my family had money I was a spoiled brat and complained if I didn't get what I wanted. They believed that I let the money get to my head so much that my parents got sick of it and abandoned me. Little did they know that theory was far from being true. I'll admit my parents had money, but were we rich? No, we were average, we never let it get to our heads though. The biggest thing is that my parents never abandoned me. The question some of you might be asking is, if it's a lie then why are you crying? Answer: They were speaking of my parents so lowly. They would never do that. With people making that up, yet believing it made me so frustrated. I picked myself up off the tiled floor, checked my appearance, and headed to class.


I managed to avoid Missy and the other cheerleaders the rest of the morning. I grabbed my lunch and headed over to he back of the cafeteria to my regular secluded spot. I didn't really eat that much, I just picked at the meal that was on my lunch tray. Much to my dismay the bell rang later showing that lunch was over. I looked down st my try to see that most of my food was staring back at me. As I got up to throw my food away, I let out a sigh and headed back to class. My first half of the morning consisted of English, Math. History, and Science. All that was left was Art, Reading, and Gym. After those classes the bell finally rang signalling that school was over. I quickly walked to my locker and put all my stuff away seeing as i had no homework. I left my backpack in my locker seeing I really had no reason to take it home and began on my journey. After 15 minutes I walked in my front door seeing something that shocked me. Boxes. "What the...," I mumbled under my breath. What is going on? The next sentence I did not plan on my aunt saying' "Hun, we're moving."

A/N Please comment what you think. Its only my first chapter so it will get better. Bye! :D


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