Party- Chapter 6

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Chapter 5

(Saturday- night of the party. Outfits go from left to right First is Christines then Heathers then Haylees outfit for the party.)

So many emotions have been pulled to the surface in the short days that I have been here. I'm just happy I can finally have a day to let loose and hang out with my new friends. The girls and I have grown really close and I can honestly say that it seems like we've been friends forever. Right now we were all at Heathers house getting ready. We ended up doing our hair, straightening mine and Heathers and curlng Christines, and then our makeup. At this point we were waiting on Heather to finish her makeup. By the time we were all ready we had about 15 minutes to get there, so we quickly packed what we needed in our purse and left. By the time we got to the party it was in full swing and I found out that the host was one of the girls' pack member. Going straight to the kitchen when we enter I got myself a Mikes Lemonade. We talked for a little bit and 20 minutes later I found myself stumbling towards the dance floor with the girls in tow. I wasn't drunk. (werewolfs can't get drunk. The achohol only numbs the pain.)

"I'm gunna get a drink, do you guys want one" I hollered over the music.

"No I think we're good" Heather shouted to which Christine nodded to. With that I made my way to the kitchen, grabbing a beer. As I started walking back to the girls I am met with a hard surface making me fall on my butt.

"Ow." I pout.

"Sorry I didn't mean to- wait Haylee?" A familiar voice questioned.

I looked up to meet those wonderful brown eyes. Looking back at me was Blake.

"Are you gunna keep staring or are you going to help me off the floor." I complained.

"Right sorry." Blake said while offering me a hand and lifting me up. When I was standing on my feet, I had a different thought though.

Put me back down! My thoughts rang panicly. This time standing on my feet rather than sitting on the floor I was only few feet from him and the mini sparks were flowing through my body. Being so close to my mate, I couldn't stop looking at him. I didn't want to embarrass myself any further.

"Hey babe, what's he doing over here." Another familiar voice spoke sending me shaking. Followed by an arm wrapping around me.

"What are you doing over her." I spat.

"Are you okay? What's the matter?" He asked concerned. I already knew what he was trying to do and it was scaring the shit outta me. IF you guys havn't figured out who it is and whats happened I'll fill you in. The person is Aiden. Basically what hes trying to do is act like were a couple so he can get me away from Blake. But if I have anything to do with it, it's not going to work. With that I spoke.

"Shut up! If you haven't noticed EX means: thanks for the EXperience, our time has EXpired, now EXit my life," I shouted. "So why won't you do that. Don't you think you've hurt me enough."

"You know this asshole?" Blake asked.

"Wish I never did. You know him too." I said shakily. By this point unshed tears had claimed dominance over my eyes. What I said only made Blake confused much to my distraught. But I wasn't done talking to Aiden. " I finally left and got away from you, but I can never be happy can I? Can I?! You killed my pack but that wasn't enough for you? Huh? What else do you want!" I screamed and by now the tears were sliding down my face. With what just left me mouth Blake pulled me towards him protectivly and release a growl.

"So the prick has a name. Aiden I suppose?" Blake growled to which started the stand off.

"Yeah. What's it to you?!" Aiden shouted.

"Stay away from her!" Blake possessivly growled. Both of them were glaring at eachother menacingly at this point, neither willing to look away. That's when Aiden threw the first punch. Blake seeing it coming dodged out of the way and nailed him in the stomach. As the fight became more intense I found myself cheering for Blake. I wasn't the only one though by now there had formed a crowd. I wasn't really worried because I knew Blake could take care of him himself. He was an alpha and all alphas have advanced abilities, whereas Aiden was only a third former. I didn't even try stopping it because Aiden deserved everything he had coming. Punches were thrown left and right and amazingly he dodged mostly all of them. 10 minutes into the fight, Blake lands a low hit into Aiden's stomach which leads him tunblng to the ground unconsious.

"Let's go." Blake spoke and lead me away from the crowd.


We had gotten back from the party a couple hours ago. We filled our time by watching movies. Now we had nothing to do. By we, I mean me, James, Blake, Heather, and Christine.

"I'm so bored." I groaned.

"oooo I have an idea. What about Truth or Dare?" Heather asked cooly, to everyone agreed to immediatly leaving me hesitant but me being me agreed anyway.

We were half way through the game and so far I was dared to to drink an unknown beverage and after that I went with truth. Until someone spoke.

"Haylee what do you choose? Oh Dare? Ok I dare you to kiss Blake." Christine spoke so quickly.

Oh Shit!


Any questions on the characters?

Did you figure she would bump into Blake?

Who did you think came up to her at the party before I told you?

How do you think he found her?

And the last question:

Why did she freak out about her dare?

^ Please answer these questions above.  It will help a lot. ^

~Stephers ^_^


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