Chapter 16- Christopher

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dedicated for helping me with ideas. 

Chapter 16

Looking at that little kid made my heart break. When they reached us Justin slowly crouched down in front of the little kid.

"What's your name?" He cooed softly. The little kid sniffled and the sobs that were racking through his body relaxed a little bit from the friendly tone and faces.

"Cwistopha" He pouted and looked up, but quickly looked down and hid behind Justin when he saw the pack.

'aww he's shy'  Luna cooed.  I smiled at the notion of my wolf taking a liking in the little boy. Luna can be very protective and I knew this would be no different.

'Well Christopher, Haylee here is really happy to see you." Justin cooed once more and brought a tiny smile to the recently pouting child.

"Weally!" He brightened up and smiled a tiny smile at Justin before looking up at me. I nodded and he slowly maneuvered his way out from behind Justin. I crouched down now so I was level with him and gave him a smile.

"Really." His smile was contagious and I found myself smiling too. "Everyone's happy to see you" As I said that I looked towards the pack and saw James with someone I didn't recognize. The look in his eyes though I recognized. I quickly got up with Christopher in my arms and shouted, "You found your mate! I'm so happy for you. I'm Haylee." I said the last sentence to the unknown girl.

"Farrah" She said smiling at me.

"Congrats man!" Blake added suddenly realizing it too. 

"Congrats man." James mocks what Blake said knowingly.  Wait wha- Oh! Looking over, he looked so lost, I just had to smile at that.

"That means were mates." I said looking at Blake. After a second I finally saw the recognition in his eyes and I just had to laugh at his clueless state.

"Back to you Christopher. How are you feeling?" I asked slightly concerned.

"Better." He says but still looking wary around everyone else.

"Only better?" I ask faking shock. He nodds his head with a playful grin on his face. "Why don't we change that?" Tossing him up in the air a couple times , he giggles with a glimpse of a smile. "How bout now?" Looking at him, he shrugs playfully, making me put one hand under my chin in a thinking position. Smirking I shout with a smile. "You asked for it." And the tickling began.  

I didn't notice that through this whole exchange the rouges were still here. I only noticed it when they were starting to leave.

"Wait!" I shouted and when they turned around I let out a breath I was holding in. "Can they join the pack?" I ask Blake seriously. I was hoping he would say yes because I know what it's like and its hard. Who knows how long they have been without a pack and they're still normal.

"Yes. Do you want to ask them or should I?" Blake says with a gleaming smile.

"I do." I grinned. Facing the rouges I cleared my throat. "We want to welcome you to our pack." I say happily. They looked shocked at first but then they were all smiling.

"Serious?!" One shouts in surprise and happiness. We all nod and they walk over and Blake announces that there will be a pack dinner to welcome the new comers.


Everyone was now in the pack backyard socializing before the welcoming ceremonie began. I was surprised when I first walked out becuase you would think you would be able to tel whose new and that but everyone is in groups like they've known eachother and this was an everyday thing. It made me smile how everyone was being very welcoming. Looking around I saw Blake and walked up to him.


"Hey Haylee." He said moving from foot to foot and not look me in he eye

"Whats wrong."

"Um I was uh wondering if... you wanted to be introduced as uh Luna"

I opened my mouth to respond but quickly got cut off.

"Uh that is uh if you won't..." He trailed off.

"Won't what." I asked confused.

"Reject me.." He said painfully. Looking up at him shocked it broke my heart. He looked scared and it broke my heart in two.

"I'd love to be introduced as Luna." I said happily to which his head snapped up.

"You're not going to reject me?!" He replied stupidly. I shook my head and smiled at him to which he returned.

"Let's start." He smiled at me. Looking around the yard my wolf became agitated and Blake picked up on my frozen figure.

"What's wrong." He asked. My wolf was there to quickly give me an answer and soon I began to panic too.

"Where's Christopher!" I panicked. He quickly grabbed me in a hug to relax me when I ignored the calming words he sent me and continued to turn in circles looking for the little child.

"It's okay.. He's with my mom."

I quickly let the breath I was holding out and stopped my wandering gaze knowing he was safe.

"I've never met your mom." I frowned in thought.

"You want to meet her after the ceremony?"

"Yes" I smiled at the thought and looked up at Blake when he gave me a quick hug and made his way to the podium.

At the sight of there Alpha everyone quieted and the new comers did too.

" These past couple days have been hard and I am proud of the training that happened and the result of it. I am delighted to welcome the survivors of the war to my pack and hope that they treat everyone with respect as the pack will to them. I also wanted to introduce you to Haylee Fisher."

He smiled in encouragment and I made my way to the stage. As I reached him he came up to me and kissed my forehead and brought me to stand with him as his arm sayed around me. I smiled at the pack as he continued. "Those who are part of my pack already know her but those of you who don't, she was a rouge too and she went through a lot of stuff but over the month that she's been here she has grown stronger and I am proud to introduce her as your future Luna."

Cheers went around through the crowd and I smiled at everyone before slowly walking off the stage with Blake.

A lot has happened over the month that I have been here and I am surprised when I think back to it only being a month. From the school bull shit from my last day, the phone call with Aden, finding out I had to mates, my powers and the battle it seems like I had been here longer. He was right though when he said I am stronger now. This pack changed me.  He changed me. And I don't regret it.


Hey guys a lot of things have happened let me know your feedback from the questions below

What do you think of Christopher?

Did anyone discover Blake's fear? If you haven't its in there

What do you think about James finding his mate and a rouge at that?

What did you think of Haylees playful side with Christopher?

And lastly...

Do you think Haylee will be a good Luna?

Until next time see you and I should update within a week and two weeks tops.

~Stephanie :)

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