Chapter 10- James Pov

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Chapter 10

James' Pov

Life's going fast. I found my mate. Even though she's been hurt in the past, I don't care about that. She might be what people would say 'damaged' or carrying a lot of 'baggage', I love her, she's my mate and I wouldn't change her. Her being the chosen one gives me many mixed feelings though. First, I'm proud. She's even more special than I first thought. Then there is me being worried. How much danger will she face? That's almost scarrier than her past. It took me a while to wrap my head around the fact that her and my brother are also mates. I'm not even sure if I can fully except that though.Yes. Me, James Sanders is jealous. Everytime someone goes near her, I feel something in me snap, always on the look out like someones going to hurt her. I know I shouldn't feel like that, for one, not everyone is like her ex, and two she's not a fragile human being. She's prooved that much during training. Watching her in amazment battling my brother I couldn't help to feel proud of my mate. She just started and I'm anxious how good her gift will become. Its amazing what can happen in such a short time.

After getting my thoughts together I went downstairs. It was around noon, so I concluded that everyone would be up. Reaching the bottom of the steps I eyes only landed on one figure. A figure that I've grown used to over the years, my brother.

"Hey man." Blake said once he registered me in the room.

I looked at him and sent him a head nod, for a hello, I walked passed my brother and walked into the kitchen. I started making breakfast, which consisted off pancakes and eggs. Most boys don't know how to cook, but my mom taught me and my brother at a young age. My mom is a food caterer so she's always making food. But with her job and my dad's job and his business meeting from him being a factory owner, times gets pretty tough to schedule. We see them more often now then when we were younger, so it came more in handy then rather than now, but its always cool to not always have to rely on them.

When I'm half way done with the food and I just have the pancakes left, Haylee comes bounding in the kitchen.

"Being careful I see." She teases from when I got the pancake stuck on the ceiling a couple days ago, to which I laughed too.

"Can never be too careful." I reply, while jokingly flipping a pancake in slow motion, which earns me a laugh in return.

"What's going on?" Blake questions curiously as he sees Haylee leaning over the counter laughing. He looks at me with a quirked eyebrow but quickly removes his gave and directs it to Haylee. He smiles for an instant clealy happy to see our mate laughing. I am too.

"Just clowning around." I reply while looking at Haylee laugh, but soon she stos abruptly and a 'uh oh' face appears.

"Shit!" Haylee curses quickly pointing behind me. I raise my eyebrow in confusion following her finger and soon I start swearing too.

"whats wrong?" Blake wonders clearly not understanding. I ignore my brothers question and quickly turn to the burning food and dump the burnt crisps into the garbage.

"Can never be too careful!" Haylee mocks followed by more laughter to which she falls out of her chair and starts rolling around the floor laughing. I then hear muffled laughter and look to my right to see Blake smothering his mouth trying to keep his laughter contained which soon fails. Turning off the stove, I quickly leave the kitchen taking with me the little dignity I had left.

A/N I know its short and im sorry. I'm also sorry I havent updated in over a week! I've been super busy with school and helping my mom out with things that it slipped my mind. I'm hoping to get my writing back on my updating schedule and to make my writing longer. I hope you like James' Pov. It was kinda hard to write in a guys perspective but I think I managed not making it too girly, just a little bit maybe. lol.


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