Chapter 7 - Lets try it

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Chapter 7 - Training

I was running. Running with all my might but it wasn't enough. They were close. Pushing my legs further, I kept going. Dodging trees and jumping over bushes, I saw a Cliff up ahead. My mind was thinking there was no where to go but my wolf seemed like she knew exactly where. She ran towards the Cliff and when we were feet from the edge she made a right turn hoping that it will throw them off. I growled in annoyance when I noticed they were still following me. Just when I was few feet from the clearing, three more wolves stepped out and surrounded me. They started to advance on me and that was when I screamed.

I jolted awake sweat dripping from my forehead. I was shaking so hard and I only realized that I screamed when Blake swung my bedroom door open. He was standing in the doorway crouched in a defensive position ready to attack looking around the room for an intruder. When he was certain that it was clear he let his gaze sweep to me. He noticed my shaking figure and rushed over sweeping me up and placed me on his lap. He whispered soothing words in my ear and rocked me back and forth while I just sat there hugging my body to his crying.

"It was just a nightmare." He whispered.

"It was more though at least I think. It felt so real." I choked out.

"You're safe. Don't worry." I all but nodded as a reply. " Go back to sleep, its just after midnight." He placed me on the bed and went to get up, but I shot my hand out and grabbed his wrist.

"Don't leave me." I whimpered at the though of him leaving me. When he made no move to leave I scooted over enough so he had room to lay down. Pulling back the covers he pushed his body under the covers and pulled me close to him.

"Shh. You're safe. I'm here." He comforted. Kissing my forehead he pulled me closer and rubbed my back. I was still crying but with his soothing words I managed to succumb to the darkness.

When I woke up I tried to get up but there was a huge arm wrapped around my waste. Looking to my left, Blake was sound asleep looking like a vulnerable child. I couldn't help but smile at that. Since he was sleeping I took this as my time to look at his sleeping form. His blonde hair was messy but it still managed to look sexy over his tanned skin. Even sleeping he still looks hot! Letting my eyes trail down I took in his bulging muscles. Letting a smile grace my lips I trailed my eyes up to be met with his. I blushed looking at him knowing I was caught. Rolling over so he was on top of me, he leaned down so his lips were to my ear. "See anything you like, Love?" He grinned.

"I guess I do." I said shocking the crap outta him. I guess he was thinking I would deny it. Taking his shocked appearance to my advantage I rolled on top of him. I smiled down at him and jumped off of him. "Thanks... Oh and if I were you I'd fix that." I said and walked off laughing, while he just groaned and rolled over.

When I got downstairs, I turned to go into the kitchen to make breakfast, when I smelt food. Confused I kept walking until I reached the door and pushed it open. Through the gap in the door I saw James in front of the stove making pancakes and eggs.

"I didn't know you could cook." I said. Watching the pancake he was about to flip fly up and stick to the ceiling, I smirked knowing I scared him. "oops." I giggled.

"Do you want some?" He turned around smiling, offering me a plate with pancakes and eggs.

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