Chapter 5- Meeting new people

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I know I had the parents first die in a car crash. But if you didn't notice I ended deleting that part so I could make it how it is in this chapter. Just clearing that up there. Srry for the confusion. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 4

 Read Author Note at the beginning and of end of story they're important!

I woke up for once not knowing what was going to come. Having two mates wasn't normal, but I could tell you it's very stressful. With me being pulled to both of them, my life is going to be filled with possessiveness. That is if they don't kill each other before I can choose. Mates are basically your other half. Males are very possessive when it comes to their mate and if any other male goes near them they go crazy, so what's to happen when I have two. The first thing that came to mind for me was hell.

How are they not going to kill each other? I thought panicking.

Pushing away my thoughts I gracefully got out of my bed- by gracefully I mean with my face hitting the floor instantly. Ouch. Rubbing my now sore face, I sighed in annoyance. Looking out the window to determine what to wear I noticed it was snowing out. Quickly getting dress, I threw on my outfit. (Outfit in pic ^ or >) After I got dressed I grabbed my phone and wallet and stuffed it in my brown purse, leaving me with my car keys in hand. Leaving me room, I walked to the kitchen seeing no one up. I didn't know if it even made a difference, but I left a note.

Went to Starbucks. Be back soon.



Arriving at Starbucks, I parked my car in an abandoned spot. Entering the shop, I was surprised at how empty it actually was. I went up to the counter and ordered my favorite, Peppermint hot chocolate. While I was waiting for my order, two girls walked in laughing. I moved to the side so they could order and waited patiently. When they were finished ordering they turned to me.

"Hey are you knew here? I've never seen you around." One asked. She was blonde and had tanned skin. She wasn't short but she wasn't tall either, she was average height I guess you could say.

"Yeah, I moved here a couple of days ago." I answered back with a genuine smile. They seemed nice, cool even, if it makes sense from someone who just met them.

"Cool. I'm Heather and this is Christine. It's nice to meet you, maybe we can hang out sometime." The other one said as she pointed to Christine. She seemed nice too. Heather had long black hair but she wasn't as tan as Christine.

We chatted for a while and then we decided that we'd exchange numbers so we can easily contact each other. They even told me that there was a party on Saturday and that I should come with them so I gave them my address and they looked shocked.

"Y-you live with alp- I mean with James and Blake?" Christine stuttered.

"I didn't know he was your alpha." I said.

"WAIT YOU'RE A-" I had to quickly cover Heather's mouth from how loud she was.

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