Chapter 8- First day of training

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Chapter 8

It was day one for my training and I knew from the time that I woke up that this was going to be a frustrating day. Groaning, I got out of my bed and searched for my excersize clothes, which consisted of my ' Train like a beast look like a beauty' shirt and black leggings. After I got dressed I wandered of into the kitchen and munched on an apple. Soon after the boys entered the kitchen.

"Hey" I said to the both of them, giving them a smile.

"Hey. Ready to train?" Blake asked me.

"Do you even know what your doing?" I asked incredulacly.

"No. Do you?" He grimaced at realizing that he didn't know what to do.

"Not a clue." I blew out.

"Well that helps. Let's see what happens" James finally talked after just standing there.

And with that we were on our way to the forest.


It took us a couple minutes to drive to the forest and once we were there we hopped out of the car and went deep in the woods to make sure no one saw anything.

"So what do you think we should try first" I asked out of curiousity. I had no clue on how to go about this situation and I was soon becoming nervous. 'What if I couldn't find my power? What help would I be?' Shaking my thoughts away I concentrated on the boys think.

"Why don't we try meditation?" James asked. Blake just looked at him like he was stupid.

"That's actually a good idea." I said smiling brightly, maybe we weren't screwed entirly.

"It is? How" Blake asked dubiously.

"It is because in meditation your calming you body and sending all your energy to your mind. It helps you focus. It's a good place to start."

With that I sat indian style, and took deep breathes drawing my energy into the center of my mind. After a little bit of doing that Blake spoke," Lets try fire." After a while of trying I didn't get any reaction that I wanted.

"You're nervous. Take a couple more deep breaths and try again. It's ok." Blake said. Nodding my head, I gathered my mind together once again. Imagining the fiery flame and the warmth, my body was welcomed by a burst of heat and reaching my ears I heard a gasp. Opening my eyes I saw a flicker of fire coming from my fingertips.

"What ever you did keep doing it."

I didn't even concentrate on who the voice was and went back on thinking about the flame. I thought about how the violent flame gradually increases in height and the burst of heat grew stronger.

"Seems good enough. Why dont we try water." James spoke.

Getting back into thought, I imagined water. Soon enough there was a pool of what underneath me with water swirling around me. I smiled at the boys, happy that I was able to control my elements so far.

Next was earth. Imagining earth, I didn't expect the ground to raise up and let out a shriek when I fell off of the tall platform that was made by me. Blake catched me before I fell fortunately and I muttered my thanks to him and then focused back on earth. The platform rose and I realized by raising my arms up a tad by my legs made me go up higher faster and then by slowly dropping my arms brought me back down. Who knew the elements could be so fun.

Having done three of the elements, I had one remaining. Air. Having my thoughts forming around air, I tried but nothing seemed to work. I was puzzled every other elemnt worked. Keeping my eyes closed so I didn't loose my focus, I muttered under my breath about the stupid element not working.

"Umm Haylee open your eyes and think again." They both spoke. I was utterly confused until I opened my eyes. How could I have not known I was three feet off the ground?!

"Slight problem." I said, to which the looked at me seeming to be telling me to continue. "How do I get back down."

I was surprised when they busted out laughing. "I'm floating right now and I'd very much like to get down. Any help?" I replied annoyingly.

"Haylee, you were able to bring the platform down. What much difference is there?" Blake laughed with amusment.

"Oh. Right." I laughed and released a content sigh once my feet hit the ground.

After that we headed back to the car and called it a night knowing wel continue training tomorrow.


Hey guys this is just a filler until I can plan more ahead. I hope you like it and I would really apreciatte it if I can get some comments. It would help with making me want to update more. Might take me a bit to update but It shouldnt be more than a week and a half.


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