Scaring the Big Bad Wolf

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Chapter 9


Dedicated to SkipperandGilligan for helping me write the chapter by writing me a promt. <Thank you Kay

I just wanted to say thanks to my readers to getting me over 400 reads in such little time. I know I don't have many votes, whether its because they chose to keep reading or they didn't like it, I'm just happy you gave my book a chance. So thank you my lovelies :) I'm trying to update as much as I can.
PICTURE TO THE SIDE>>> Names cover the pic of what they look like in human AND wolf form and the place in the too left corner is the place where they are training at

Noon came around the next day, and to be honest I was sort of excited for my training today. The only reason why I was 'sort of ' was because we were planning on fighting in our wolf forms. Having no fighting skills involving my wolf, compared to the Twins, I was nervous as well but my excitement overpowered that feeling. I knew they wouldn't hurt me, they will still put up a good fight though. Making my way downstairs, I found the guys in the living room. Once they noticed me we headed to the same spot as yesterday to continue our training.

As we start training I find that Im really out of shape. We start by doing some running, my least favorite. Then bow and arrow, I seem to be good at this for the most part, I mean what can you say when you're hanging with your TWO mates? Nothing because you all only have one.

"Now let's try some hand to hand combat in our wolf forms." Blake says. Oh shit wait!Did he just say in wolf form? Crap I have never even tried fighting in my wolf form. 'Ok lets be calm about this' my wolf, Luna, lulls me. The guys are already in their wolf form already waiting for me, so I new it was now or never. Thinking of a soft,fluffy white wolf with beautiful multicolored eyes, I transform into my wolf form. Slowly opening one eye after the other, I look at the guys which seemed to be looking at me in... awe? Blake soon snaps out of it and mind links that we're fighting eachother first. 'ok sweetie now if you are looking for your elements think of what they are so if you pick fire then you get fire. you picking up what im putting down.' He links with ethustiasm. Feeling the bottle of nerves that's in my body start to open up my wolf reassures me. 'Good luck Lele.'

'Wait,' I ask her 'Whose Lele'

'Thats you ya goof' she replies in my head.

Looking back at the task at hand, Blake looks at me like hes going to dominate. Getting into my stance I think of which element I should use. While sorting through my thoughts Blake and I circle eachother waiting for one to make a move. Quickly I think of fire sorrounding us and flames burst from the seams of the earth creating an inescapable circle. He looks shocked but doesn't let it faze him and soon the shock is wiped off his face replaced with focus. I begin to think what i could use next. Walking closer the flame follows closing in on us. Seeing fear in his eyes I make the fire come closer as I manage to pin him to the ground. Soon enough with sparks dancing around, he surrenders. Releasing the image of fire from my mind the flames ease away to nothingness and I change back to my human form to talk about how I did.

"How'd I do." I ask curiously. James just looks at me before laughing. All I could do was wait til he stopped and after a minute or so, he thankfully did.

"Seeing as you scared the 'Big Bad Alpha', I'd say you did very good." He laughed looking at Blake who surprisingly, didn't say anything at all. He had that look again. ..Awe? Was it? But I couldn't let my mind drift on that because the guys were alreading heading out of the forest.

What do you think? Should I do a guys Pov? James or Blakes?


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