Chapter 3_ My secret...revealed?

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hey guys its probably a huge surprise that I'm actually writing huh? well my friend basilbaby pressured me into writing this lol not really pressure but you get the drift. its going to be a short one for tonight but hey at least i edited.


chapter 3

Taking a deep breath I started with my story.

"When I was 17, I had a boyfriend names Aden Smith. He was 18 at the time, a year ago, and was the 'bad boy' but rarely enough he was still sweet."

I semi-smiled at the thought of the beginning of our relationship.

"My parents-"

Be strong i thought, you can do this. You will not cry.

"My dad was alpha of the Firestone Pack while Aden was a next in line beta for the Glendale Pack."

This next part had me chocking back tears but i held them back. Not wanting to be cowardly in front of somewhat acquainted strangers I sniffed back the tears, which were unknown to be sad or angry, and continued.

" Aden was an abusive b*stard. At first it was only when he was drunk but then it became a more continuous occurrence.This year it started getting worse. I hated him for it. I started getting so scared that I would flinch away."

I laughed coldly at that while releasing pent up angry tears. You could probably already already guess what happened after that.

"Turns out that it only made it worse. Came to the point where i had to be rushed to the hospital a couple times. Once or twice ending up in critical condition. The part that I hate the most in the whole thing is that no matter how hard i try to forget about it the scars are always going to be there as a living memory that it happened and it always brings up these haunting memories. Anyways, one day we went to a party. He ended up getting mad and hit me when no one was looking. My friend walked around the corner soon after. She saw my crying and asked me if i was okay but being to scared i said that i didn't feel good. She gave a hug and then left. Aden then grabbed my by the arm and we headed down the hall to the stairs so we could leave. When we turned the corner he pushed me against the wall. He threatened that if i would try to tell anyone or try to escape that he would kill me an my family. He was drunk and i didn't believe him but i nodded so he wouldn't get any angrier."

Now it came to the part where i didn't even want to speak but i knew that it would feel better to get it off my chest.

"That was the night that everything changed. When we got back i wet straight to bed, part of the reason to stay away from Aden. He stayed up though"

By this point the tears wouldn't stop and i could hardly continue. I was shaking so bad that James wrapped his arms around me while Blake just awkwardly squeezed my hand. With new found confidence I continued with some tears leaving undoubtedly angry ones.

" He was drinking more when he got back. In the middle of the night he came into my room when i was asleep undeniably drunk of his *ss. He-he wouldn't get off of me, no matter how loud i screamed. He was a shifter, to strong for me to fight off. I got rapped by my boyfriend and no matter what i said i couldn't snap him out of it. I left that day. I should of remembered what he said at that party drunk or not. He killed our pack with no hesitation. I found he's looking for me a couple days ago."

They just sat there stunned into silence.

"I've been rogue from the day after the party so about two weeks. So now you know my life story."

I glanced down at my lap for a couple seconds while they were absorbing what i gad said. A couple seconds later i mumbled "pretty much" under my breath, but luck isn't always on my side even after everything that has happened because as i said that there heads snapped to look at me expectantly.
What do you think shes still hiding?

Any questions i can answer?


I know its short but its like that to get my main point of her life story across and to give out more information on the characters of Aiden Smith and Haylee Fisher.


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