Chapter 21- Diablo

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Chapter 21

Diablo's P.O.V (King of Rouges)

Hearing a knock on the door I grant enterence.

"Where is the child?" My voice booms througout the room.

"Um, Sir its harder than we first expected. They never let him out of his sight anymore." One of my men Lycan speaks. You can tell he's weak and pathetic. Never looking me in the eye, although I shouldn't be challanged because as the king of all rouges, I can and will end you.

Looking up from my papers that are in front of my desk I speak with a voice leaving no room for argument , " Figure out a way. Or don't but I would choose the first" I laugh wickedly and dismiss him which leaves him scrambling to get out of my office.

Growing up I've thrived on one thing. Power. The only way of getting that is by killing.

Kill the high rankers in the pack and what do you got? A army of rouges who have nothing to survive on. Black mail them and you have full controll of them.

I know I'm heartless but I'm too far in.

You're probably asking yourself the big question, What does he want?\

"What do I want?"   I laugh and an evil grin plasters its way on my face. "It's easy. But I'd rather show than tell." 


I know its short but there is more to come. This is just a sneak peak on whats coming. Comment if you think you have an idea. Comment your thoughts about Diablo and anything else you want too. Vote if you like it too.

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There should be another update soon! :)\

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