The Unexpected_ Chapter 4

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Shoot! Stupid werewolf abilities, curse you. I looked back down at my lap and fidgeted under their curious glances although Blake's was't just curiousness. He had a cold glint in his eyes.

"What do you mean 'pretty much'?" Blake prodded. He was still staring, focused on me. I really wished he didn't hear me.

"Can I trust them?"

"You just met them why would you trust them?"

"They helped me get through my story so shouldn't that say something? I argued with myself.

"Aden was there for you too. You trusted him." my conscious sneered.

Jeez. She had a point.

As I shook out of my thinking I let out a frustrated sigh. Suddenly James lifted up his hand and I flinched at the gesture. "Hey, It's okay." He said soothingly. I didn't realize I was crying until James' then cautiously wiped a tear off my face. At the sudden contacts I gasped. When he touched me I felt all tingly inside. What was that? James seemed to notice that too because a puzzled look took form on his features.

"Did-" I was so shocked I couldn't even speak. The only response that I got was him gulping and soon his body went tense with anger.

"Mate." Not once did his anger leave until he looked at me but it was still there just softened. I couldn't stop the rejection that I felt.

He didn't want me.

Who would want me. I'm nothing but trouble and once he finds out he would reject me for sure and if he didn't I wouldn't understand why.

I'm broken and damaged. Who would want that.

Those were the thoughts that were going through my mind. I couldn't help but think that. Seriously if you were in this situation what would be running through your mind? It sure wouldn't be happy thoughts. With all the thoughts going on my mind was too busy for me to find out that I have found out until James started to advance on me. I could tell he was still angry. When he was a couple steps away he reached out his hand and I flinched away from him. I instantly regretted it when he had a pained look on his face from my reaction. Just seeing that look on his face made my heart clench painfully. Not liking that look, I cautiously approached him to give him a hug.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

He sighed yet still waited a little bit to reply.

"Are you scared of me?" He breathed out.

The hurt was evident on his face.

"No. I'm just a little shaken up. Its a past habit." My voice started out normal but towards the end I was mumbling. He still heard it, his growl proved he did.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He replied soothingly.

I smiled at the comfort and hugged him while a few of the tears I was holding in slipped. I still felt rejected but I tried to not think about it. We stayed like that for a little bit until I found myself looking into his eyes. He was one step ahead of me though and our eyes caught each others attention. Soon I found both of us leaning in. With our lips connecting I relaxed instantly. With the sparks I couldn't think of anything else. The kiss was so gentle but it didn't last that long before he was unwittingly pulled away by a strong force. Wait pulled away? Before I could think why he wold be pulled away I heard a deafening crack. When I came back to my senses I saw Blake punching James. Him being an alpha he could easily kill him so I knew I had to do something about this. I quickly try pulling Blake off without getting punched. What happened though is not what I planned. Those perfect little sparks made their presence known leaving me shocked. I knew why this happened. I knew very well but I didn't believe it could happen. That was just me though, Blake was a confused mess. I was surprised he didn't know what was happening with him being an alpha and all. When I looked towards James he was unconscious on the floor. He took the majority of the injuries, even though they were just bruises, while Blake got off with some busted knuckles and a cut on his jaw. Even if James had a few broken bones which could be expected he would heal in no time being a werewolf, so I decided to tend to Blake since he had open wounds that were bleeding.

"lets clean up your hand." I announced while approaching him.

"How are you so calm and collected about this?" He breathed out shocked.

"I'll explain later. Lets go"

He all but nodded and got up to lead me to the bathroom. Once we were there I started cleaning up his wounds. I could feel his eyes on my the whole time forcing me to look up into his gaze. His eyes were a dark brown and they were so alluring. Even though he was James' twin he was definitely the more hotter. He soon broke his intense stare by leaning in and smashing his lips to mine. His kisses were way better than James' and I couldn't get enough. Soon air was calling my name so I pulled away to catch my breath. Holy crap. This is not good. You know how they say two is better than one? Well not always because I have no idea who to choose. The only thing I know is that something angered James'. It could be that he was rejecting me or it could be for some other reason. But I also knew that Blake's and I's connection runs deeper and I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. It was time to face the unexpected.


Who do you want/think she will choose?

Do you think James is going to reject her?

What do you think she means when she says that shes different than them? (p.s the description makes it a dead give away but the thing is what does it mean for her)

Why do you think James was mad?





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