Chapter 4: realizations

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Mack's POV

Sure my boyfriend is going to hurt me. He has never hurt me and I know he will never ever hurt me. If anything Hayes is hurtful. I knew I was right. I don't want to get into boy drama.

I run upstairs bumping into Cameron then straight into my room. I shut the door and i could hear Cameron coming upstairs. I headed straight to my bed and just plopped down on it. Cameron then opened my door and sat down on my bed.

"What's wrong?" He asked smiling

"Well Hayes was my best friend until he hit Steven."

"Why did he hit Steven?" he asked

"He said that Steven is going to hurt me."

"Well, what if he does?" He asked

"He won't. He would never."

"Well you don't know that." he said

Then I just gave him a death stare.

"Let's go pick up Sierra." Cameron said

"Your kidding?"

"No, I missed her too. Now she is waiting at the airport. It's a fifteen minute drive, wanna come?" He asks

"Yes!!!!! Oh gosh I have been waiting forever to see Sierra! I missed her sooo much!!!!!"

Hayes' POV


"Yea, what's up?" He asks

"Nothing, well something."

"What's that something?" he asks

"Well that girl that was my best friend isn't my best friend anymore."

"Okay, how?"

"Her boyfriend said he was going to hurt her, but he only whispered that to me, then I punched him in the face."

"Wait, do-do you like her?" he asked


"Sure you don't." he said with sarcasm

"Well, yea I do. I have only met her for four days though."

"Wow, love at first sight." he said "Well now you have to wait. You have to wait till she gets hurt. Then she will come running to you."

"Oh, are you sure?"

"Positive." He said

Mack's POV

"Sierra, do you mind if we have one of those sleepover girly things again?" I asked

"I don't mind, but is something wrong?"

"Yea." I said honestly

Whenever I lie the guilt just forms up and attacks me, so I just tell the truth. Sometimes.

"Okay, let me get the ice cream and movies." she said

"Okay, don't forget the whipped cream and sprinkles!"

She comes back about 5 minutes later with her hands full.

"God, your as skinny as a stick!" she says

"Well you know the anxiety attacks and all that stuff."

"Yea, I'm sorry little sis." She says kissing my forehead

"It's okay, it's not your fault."

"So what's the problem?" she asks

"Well this guy nextdoor named Hayes was my best friend for three days-"

"Woah, do you like this guy?" she asked

"No, we are just friends."

"Okay." she says smiling

"So apparently he said that Steven was going to hurt-"

"Who's Steven?" she asked

"My boyfriend."

"Oh, oh, ohhh, okay." She said

"He said that Steven was going to hirt me, then he punched Steven in the face."

"Hayes likes you." She said

"Yea, as a friend."

"Nope, he has a crush on you." She said


"Yea, it makes sense. He really really likes you and wants to protect you so he punched Steven cause he is going to hurt you." She said

"Steven isn't going to hurt me!"

"Okay, okay. We each have different thoughts." she said

"Wait, what if he does hurt me?"

"Don't worry, Cameron will do something." she said coming closer to me

Tears rolled down my eyes. What if he does hurt me?

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