Chapter 23: Forgiveness?

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Mack's POV

Today, haircut day.

Wow I have a lot of hair and now a bunch is about to be cut off.

Gianna came to watch me get it and is practically jumping with joy. My hair is really long, about to my butt, but I think its time for a little trim.

At the end my hair was till my stomach and I had a side bang. I thing I looked nice.

"Cut more off, till here." I heard Sierra say and point till my high back

"Are you kidding!"

"No, you'll look nice, moms gonna be happy."

"Hayes too." Gianna said and winked

To be honest I didn't care about Hayes at this point. It was really dumb to forgive him, but now I know, that we can only be friends and nothing more.

We got home and dropped Gianna off, I saw Hayes outside shooting hoops with Nash and Cam, but then ran inside. I took a quick shower, and blow dried my hair. I then added some cut accessories and looked in the mirror. My hair looked like it had been curled, but it was my natural hair. I looked at my tan skin and all that's me on my face.

"I hate pimples." I said and left the room

Today my mom said we were going out to eat dinner and I excited. Now all I gotta do is pray to god that it isn't Hayes' house.

Haha, bad luck me.

"Okay, so head over there now." my mom said

"It's so early!"

"Well I got some errands to run with Elizabeth and Sierra." she said


I grabbed my phone and examined my dress, my small skinny thighs (which I hated), and my new and improved hair.

"Alright mom, bye." I said and left

I looked to my left and saw no one at the basketball court.

"Maybe I could dunk some?" I said

I put my phone on the mailbox, hoping it wouldn't fall, then I picked up the ball.

I got one shot out of three!

I was going to shoot another one, when I felt someone grab my waist.

"Hello?" I asked

"It's Hayes."

"Oh, hi." I said

"Here, trying tucking in your elbow." he said behind me, making the position with my arms

"Thanks." I said and shot the ball

"Wanna go on a walk?"

"Sure." I said and grabbed my phone

Silence filled up.

Then his hand slowly came onto mine.

I let go, and said,

"You have a girlfriend."

"But I have feelings for you." He said



"Make up your mind, one minute you like her, the next you like me. Just admit you like her better."

"Why should I lie?" He asked

"Excuse me?"

"I don't know I just feel bad if I make her sad." He said

"Cause you have feelings for her."

We started heading home now

"Well I love you. Mack you make my life happy. Ever since I saw you on Instagram I've always wanted to see you. Now that I have I'm have you right here with me. I love you, and I will try to forget about her. Please give me a chance." he said with tears in his eyes

"Oh my gosh, why are you crying?" I said wiping away his little tears

"I, love you."

I didn't know what to say, I know I said I wouldn't forgive him but here he is crying for me. Me.

"I, I said I wouldn't forgive you."

"But, but please." He begged

"I don't know." I said and ran

I didn't know where I was running to,

but hopefully somewhere good.


Heeey everyone

Thank you so much for 667 reads!

This means so much to me!!!

But if hope you enjoy this chapter

And sorry I haven't been updating,


But hope y'all had a great day.



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