Chapter 10: no one.

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Mack's POV

I walked over to our table in lunch. We weren't popular, snotty stuck up bitches, but we were pretty cool. I sat down and waited for Ashley, my friend. She came and I started opening me lunch box. We talked and ate with all my other friends. I laughed a lot, and probably looked like an idiot.

It was half way into this lunch period and all the teachers were gone to meetings. Our school doesn't really have subs, so it was just kids.

Steven got up on a table and yelled,

"Mackenzie Dallas cheats in math!" as loud as he could

All eyes were on me. I was waiting for Hayes to say something but he was just ignoring me. I broke down and ran to the girls room.

Until someone said,

"Lies are what you people are made of. Never have anything nice to say. Steven we all know that you cheated on that math test in second grade because you didn't know how to add."

It took me a minute to realize who that was,


Shawn was my brothers friend, too bad Cameron didn't have the same lunch period as me. I'm glad that Shawn did though. I turned back around and ran to the bathroom. I slid down the door once I got in. I was all alone, at least that's what I thought.

"Loser, you ugly fat ass bitch."


"Yea it's me the beautiful, skinny, perfect Lindsay!"

"Great." I said with sarcasm

"Listen up bitch, your stupid, fat, ugly, and you should go to hell."

"That's not true." I said

"Says who?"

Then I saw her friends. They pushed me to the ground and my head hit the wall. I felt blood coming down my forehead.

I got up and walked out. I ran to my locker. I shuffled through all my things till I found Cameron's schedule. I cleaned my face and went to his social studies class. I knocked on the door and said the librarian needed to see him. He came out and I told him what happened. He said to call Sierra and ask her to bring me back home.

I had anxiety, what else could I do.

Why didn't Hayes defend me?

He just sat there.

I dialed her phone number and then waited for her.

She came and I left. I broke down in the car and started breathing really heavily. Then everything got black.

Cameron's POV

I was in the middle of taking notes for class, when Mackenzie knocked on my classroom door. That Steven kid hurt her. I wanted to cut class and hurt him again. I couldn't.

I told her to call Sierra. I hope she did. Mack is so fragile and sensative. I hope she doesn't go into a coma again. This is awful.

Hayes' POV

"Wow that girl was a mess." my friend Chris said

"Guys that girl is my best friend."

"Wow, I'm sorry man." my other friend Trevor said

"Sorry for what!?"

"That you know her. Rumor has it, she has anxiety." Chris said

"Yea, so."

"You like her?" Trevor asked

"Yea, she's my girlfriend."

"Why didn't you stand up for her?" Chris asked

"Oh my god, I'm a jerk!"

"Yea, you are." Tervor

"Well see you at practice." Chris said

"See ya."

I have to go to Mackenzie. She is probably crying, what have I done?

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