Chapter 14: explanations

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Hayes' POV

Julia and I were friends, well we had a past together. We dated for a year but I sorta cheated on her. We decided to start a clean slate. We had a project to work on, and it's sad how Mack isn't with me.

After Mack left I waited a couple hours for Julia.


I heard a knock on the door so I opened it. It was Julia.

"Hey!" she said


She say down on the couch and said,

"Wanna watch a movie, I brought a few?"

"We have a project to work on." I said

"We could do that another day, lets hangout today."

"Okay." I said

I sat on the couch away from her until she moved really close to me.

"So, you single?"

I remembered how Mackenzie didn't want anyone to know that we were dating.

"Yea." I said

"Great, so you wouldn't mind if I did this?" she said and kissed me

I pushed her off.

"Why would you do that?" I asked

"It shouldn't bother you. You're single."

"I'm not single, I have a girlfriend." I said

"Oh, well she doesn't need to know."

"This is hurtful though." I said

"Doesn't matter." she said and pulled me onto the floor and forced herself on to me

Mack's POV

"I beat you Nash!"

"How do you beat me at balloon pop?" he asked

"Cause I have good aim."

"She does go to the shooting range with me sometimes." Cam said

"Wow." Nash said

"I got a mushroom hat!" I said

"Give that to Hayes." Nash said laughing

"I will." I said and we started heading home

"That roller coaster was awesome!" Cam said

"It was!" Nash said

We got in the car and drove home. It was a short car ride so it took like 10 minutes.

We got home and the door was unlocked. I walked in and saw Julia, one of my best friends kissing Hayes.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" I yelled

She got up and said.

"Hayes kissed me first, I just went with it."

I held back the tears.

"Benjamin Hayes Grier, I warned you. Just please stay away from me." I said running away

I ran all the way to the old tree house my mom said I built with one of my best friends. I sat in there and cried.

"What's wrong with me!" I yelled

"Why am I not good enough!" I yelled more

"Why do I even try!!!!" I yelled

By now my throat hurt and I probably scared birds.

I just don't get it. He brings my hopes up and then pushes them down.

Maybe I should give him a chance to explain. I unlocked my phone and went on my camera. I looked like a mess. I wiped all the mascara off my face and then quickly went to the creek. I splashed my face with cold water and then wiped it. I heard someone coming so I hid behind a bush.

"The only girl I have a chance with, now ruined. What can I do?"


It can't be. It doesn't sound like him at all.

"I should just ask her if she is okay. I always mess up. It's always my fault for doing the wrong things."

Then I got it.

"Steven?" I said and got up

"Mackenzie!" he said running up to me and then hugged me

"I missed you. Did you hear any of that?"

"Yea." I said

"It was about you."

"Oh, well I can't be yours." I said

"Why not, is this because of Hayes? I can beat the fuck out of him!"

"Please leave me alone." i said

"Whatever you say beautiful."

"You know what! Just don't talk to me! Don't call me beautiful! Don't call me anything pretty! Don't even come near me! Please leave me alone!" I said

"Okay, but do you at least forgive me?"

"Yea." I said walking away

I ran back to Hayes' house and walked in when all of magcon was staring at me.

"Hello." I said and smiled

"Hey!" they said together

"So how ya doing?" A guy said walking up to me and put his arm around me

"Don't." I said and walked upstairs

I ran to Hayes' room and sat on the floor. I heard sobbing from the bathroom. I quietly top toes to the bathrooms and opened the door.

Hayes quickly wiped his tears.

"Why are you crying?" I asked

"I missed you, your laugh, your beautiful hair, your pretty eyes, your lovely face, and everything about you."

I sat on the floor next to him.

I patted his back and said,

"There there Hayes, it's okay." I said trying not to laugh

"What's so funny?"

"You, your funny. Everything about you is funny and perfect." I said

"I'm really not."

"Well millions of fangirls think you are." I said

"And what about fanboys?"

"Yea, I know." I said

"So what happened, why did you kiss her?"

"She kissed me. Julia is my old girlfriend. We started dating when she visited my old neighbors house. We broke up and looks like she hasn't gotten over it."

"Oh, well why didn't you stop her?" I asked

"I'm sorry to say this, and I'm even shocked that I'm saying this, but I think I still like her."

A part of me died. I knew this was coming but no, I wasn't ready for this.

"Well, for now we can just be friends." I said and got up

I walked out his door and then out the front door.

I took my bike to the mall since it wasn't far and I had money in my pocket.

I hope I'll feel better.

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