Chapter 7: confidence

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Mack's POV

I don't know if Cam would let me be Hayes' girlfriend. He is really protective and I don't know if he would want me to be Hayes'.

Cameron comes chasing after me and stops me.

"I'm sorry Cam, I know I shouldn't be Hayes' girlfriend."

"What are you talking about? I'm fine with you being his girlfriend." he says

"Wait, are you sure?"

"Well yea." he says

"Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yea." he says

God I love Cam.

"Okay, so I think that I'm moving too fast with Hayes. I think that we should be friends just for a little more. How do I tell him this?"

"Well first you need to be sure your making the right decision." he said

"I really think I'm sure."

"Okay, well boys like to just know things, they don't wanna wait to hear it." he said

"So I should just spit it out?"

"Yea." he said

"Okay, wow, okay I'm going to do this."

"Good luck." he said


I got up and saw Hayes outside.

"Hey wanna take a walk?" I asked

Hayes' POV

"Hey wanna take a walk?" Mack asked me


We started walking and I am really happy she is my girlfriend.

"Hayes I need to tell you something." She said


"I can't be your girlfriend. Can we be friends?" She said

"What do you mean, is there something wrong?"

"No, I think we are moving to fast." she said

"Mack I really like you."

"Yea but I'm not ready." she said

"How can we be friends if you just broke my heart?"

"I didn't mean to Hayes, I'm sorry!" she said

"Sorry is just a word, it can't fix anything."

I started walking away when she said something back.

"Sorry may not fix anything, but it means-"

I didn't hear anything but a thud. I knew that was Nash because he is doing vines.

I yelled,

"Means what!" and then turned around "Mack!"

I ran back to her and she was on the ground. No blood just her body.

"I have anxiety Hayes, that causes me to faint when people tell or cause me stress."

"Oh no!"

"Nash!! Cameron!!" I yelled as loud as I could

"Mack!" Cameron said running as fast as he could

"What happened!" Nash asked

"I don't know I just heard a loud thud and then turned around and saw her lying down, she isn't opening her eyes!" I said

Two hours later

Mack's POV

"You may now see Mackenzie." I heard the doctor say

Then my mom rushed in.

"Honey, are you okay?!" she said running up to me

"Yea, it was probably one of my anxiety attacks."

"Oh my god. Honey you scare me so much." She says kissing my forehead

"Mom I'm good." I say laughing

"Do you want some ice cream? Donuts? Cookies?"

"All I want is to sleepover Mona's with Satan and Nicole. Can i?" I ask

"Of course, lets go."

I get up and get dressed back into my normal clothes, then walk outside.

Sierra runs over to me and hugs me as tight as she can.

"I'm a small person." I say

"Haha, I know."

Then we walk out and now I'm just wondering where Cameron is?

We get home and I change into comfy shorts with a tank top. I put my hair in a high ponytail and then start making mac and cheese. Then Cameron bursts through the door with Nash.

"Sup little sis!" he says hugging me

"Nothing, just making some mac and cheese before I go to a sleepover."

I really didn't wanna tell him about the ER visit and he knows I don't like to talk about that. I'm happy he didn't ask.

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