Chapter 48

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Mack's POV

I went to go see who was there.

Cameron was looking really happy.

"Hey Mackenzie."

"Hey Cam." i said siting down on my bed.

"So I have some news."

"Well, good or bad?" I asked

"I like the idea, but I don't think you will."

"What are you planning to do?" I ask

"Well, I'm moving to California with Nash!"

"M-m-moving?" I say


"Okay, that's good Cameron. You should start to be more independent." i said

"Thanks sis."

He gives me a hug, and to be honest I love his hugs.

Maybe it's the last one I'll ever get.

Well I can't keep depending on people my whole life.

I get dressed into some yoga pants and an oversized sweatshirt.

I texted Mona to see if I could come over, since I was bored.

But sadly she was on vacation.

I don't blame her, I would wanna be on a vacation.

With my family...

I decided to take a walk outside, it was pretty nice weather.

I walked to the park and went on the swings. Nothing else better to do than chill out.

I saw Nash heading towards me since I was alone.

"Ayy friend." he said


"Nothin much, what's up with you?" He asked

"Well, aren't you and Cam leaving?"

"Yea, but that's in a few months." He said

"Still, the thought of you both leaving?"

"Yea, but forget us. Try talking to Hayes." he said

"You sure?"

"Positive." he said

"Thanks Nash."

"No probleem." he said

I got up and walked back over to Hayes' house.

I waited a couple seconds till he answered.

"Hey, I'm sorry." he said

"Me too. I only love you."

"I love you too. Sorry for my rude behavior." he said

He grabbed my hand and we started walking outside.

It was a beautiful sunset.

"Out of all these ups and downs, I think you're the girl for me." he said

"I'm sorry for everything." he said

"It's all good. Just know that I love you, forever." i said and we kissed




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