Chapter 22: whose?

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Julia's POV

I walked to my second period class with Hayes and sat right text to him. I took out post its and wrote,

"So what's up babe?"

Then he raised his hand to ask if he can change his seat.

Right when he was about to say that I said,

"Can I go to the nurse!"

"Yes, you can."

"Can I bring a friend?" I asked


I grabbed Hayes' hand and walked to the nurse with him.

"Are you dating Mack?"

"Why do you care?" he asked

"Cause I'm your old girlfriend. I miss you."

"Well you dumped me. So it's your loss."

"Well, if you aren't dating her..." I said


"Please! Hayes I've changed. I just want to start over!" I said

"Fine, but we are only friends."

"I wanna be more than friends." I said and started fake crying

"Well i can't."

"Please? At least once more?" I asked

I was such a good actor.

Hayes' POV

Julia was begging for me to take her back and, and I did. She was crying and I can't see her in pain. I can't see anyone in pain cause of me! I had no choice but to say yes.


I went over Mack's house after school and we did homework together.

"So, how's life?" ?she asked while eating her grilled cheese

"Look, there is something I have to tell you."

"Okay, go for it." She said

"Julia grabbed my hand in 2nd period and took me outside. As we were walking, she started crying cause she still loved me. Of course I didn't believe her, but then I fell for her. I couldn't stand to see her in pain and I said that I would go out with her."

"Oh, so you love her?" she asked

"I want you." I said grabbing her waist

"But you have her." she said walking out

Mack's POV

I invited Hayes to come over after school, so I can tell him that I want to be his girlfriend.

After school we both walked to my house and say on the stools.

I got hungry after homework so I started making some grilled cheese.

"So, how's life?" I asked while eating my grilled cheese

"Look, there is something I have to tell you."

"Okay, go for it." I said

"Julia grabbed my hand in 2nd period and took me outside. As we were walking, she started crying cause she still loved me. Of course I didn't believe her, but then I fell for her. I couldn't stand to see her in pain and I said that I would go out with her."

"Oh, so you love her?" I asked

"I want you." He said grabbing my waist

"But you have her." I said

Silence struck and no one spoke.

He looked up at me.

"Well I'm tired, feel free to do whatever you want, but I'm taking a nap." I said

I was really bummed. I thought he loved me. I thought he was over her.

I, I hate him.

I don't know how stupid I was to actually love him. I was so stupid that I forgave him!

Why, why did I do these things?

I ran upstairs and quickly changed into pjs.

I got in bed and stared out the window.

Until a blue eyes freak came.

"Hey." He said

"Hi." I said moving away from him

He grabbed my waist and pulled me right next to him.

"I love you."

I cuddled into a ball right next to him and just laid there.

"You, still need to make a new YouTube video." he said

"I will." I said putting my head on his chest

He kissed my forehead and I moved away.

What's the point of loving him if he is just gonna find someone better than me?

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