Chapter 19: too far?

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Hayes' POV

I was just about to end a kiss with Mack when we heard someone come downstairs.

We didn't notice till they took a pic of us.

Mack got up and went red. I bet I was red too.

"So, this is cute." Nash said

"Aw Mack, I told you Hayes was perfect for you." Cameron said

She then looked at me and looked back on them.

"Don't post this on social media." she said

"Too late. I posted it on Instagram and twitter." Cameron said smiling

"Good job." Nash said

"Nash!" I said

"I don't wanna be known as the famous couple." Mack said

"I don't think you will be, there are a lot of other famous couples." Cam said

"But their older than us." I said

"Well good luck." they said at the same time and walked away

"Haha #Cash." Mack said

"Seriously!" Cameron said

"So, you hungry?" Mack asked

"Are you?" I asked

She gave me a I-asked-you-first-look.


"Pizza!" she said

"I could go for pizza." I said

"Kay let me get ready." She said

"You beautiful already." I said

"So you want to get pizza in pjs?" she asked

"Why not?" I said smiling

"Okie legoooo!"

I gave her my hoodie then, held her hand and we left.

Steven's POV

I was taking a walk with Julia when she told me what she did in school.

"That's really good, now I can get Mack back."

"And I get Hayes." she said smiling

We were still walking when we saw Mack and Hayes together.

"Their still together!" I said


Julia walked up to him and said,

"Hey babe."

"Bye whoever you are." he said

"Dude don't talk to her like that." I said

"Don't tell me what to do." He said back

I punched him in his stomach.

"Don't be rude." I said

"Look whose talking." he said

I was about to punch him again but he twisted my hand.

"Shit!" I said

"What's wrong, you hurt?" He said

"No." I said and then punched his face

Mack's POV

As Hayes and I were walking Steven picked a fight with Hayes.

It got physical.

They were hitting each other finally when Steven punched him in the face.

Then he ran away and I started panicking. I knew I was having an attack I started breathing heavily and my vision got blurry, but Hayes was unconscious.

I remember being on my knees trying to wake him up.

Pitch black again.

How I hate my life.

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