Chapter 30: Magcon

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Hayes' POV

I woke up and saw Mack on my lap, then Nash told me that we are landing. I quickly woke Mack up and kissed her cheek.

"Morning Hayes." She said with a tired voice

"Hey beautiful."

"I'm hungry." She said

"Me too, but we will get food at the hotel."

"Yay food!" She said with excitement

----------(AT ZE HOTEL)-----------------

"Woah this place is sick man!" Cameron said

"Let's go find the others." Nash said

Then they left.

"Wanna go meet some people?"

"Why not, ay you said food." She said with a death stare

"Okay, let's go see what they have."

"Mack and Cheese." She said quietly

"We'll go to stores and get you some."

Then she blushed.

"Your so pretty Mack."

"Why, thank you." She said laughing

"Let's go meet them."

"Let's go." she said smiling as her hand locked into mine

Mona's POV

"Alright we're here to surprise Mack!!!" Gianna said squealing

"The gates are about to open! Lets go!!" Nicole said

We walked in and saw a stage.

We quickly got the first row and waited till they announced names.

"Mathew Espinosa!!" The speaker announced

I started jumping up and down with joy!!

He came and high fived people, but then looked at me . At me!

"Hey cutie." He said and slipped something into my hand

His number!!!!!


"Nash Grier!!"

Nicole was in tears, cause she was that excited.

He hugged her and whispered something in her ear.

She quickly took out her phone and wrote something down.

"And what exactly is that?"

"His number." she said with a huge grin on her face


"Jack Johnson!!!"

Gianna was standing there and didn't really so that much emotion, she was just smiling really big and living the moment I guess.

He came up to her and they took a picture together, then he texted something on her phone!

"Yes." She said

Then we all started fangirling! I mean who wouldn't!

"Hayes Grier with his known girlfriend and sister of Cameron Dallas, Mackenzie Dallas!"

Then she came down with him and hugged people.

After the huge meet and greet we were gonna go to meet her personally. We saw her with some other girls.

"Will you go shopping with us one day?"

What about us?

"Well I'm free for an hour so we could go now." She said

Just as she was about to leave we stopped her and said,

"Hey Mack!!"

"Hey guys I'm busy right now, text you later."

"Okay." we said sadly

"Why didn't she choose us over them?" Gianna asked

"Cause we mean nothing to her." Nicole said

"Sh-she replaced us." I said

"Let's go back, to Julia." Nicole said

"At least she's a better person." Gianna said

Mack's POV

I was just going to hangout with some new friends when I bumped into Gianna, Nicole, and Mona. I couldn't cancel with my new friends though.

As we were about to leave Nash and Cam stopped me from going. They picked me up one arm each and took me back to the hotel.

"We aren't supposed to go out with strangers, for all we know they could kidnap you!" Cameron said

"But they weren't-"

"I don't wanna hear it." Cameron said

Gosh, protective much?

We got to the room and they put me down.

I walked in and saw Hayes on the couch next to Jack and Jack with Matt.

"Hey we were worried about you!" Hayes said hugging me

"Great. I said sarcastically

"Is something wrong?" He asked

"No, I'm fine." I said heading into Cameron's room

"She's good." Cam said

"No I'm not!" I yelled and slammed the door

I slided down the door and say on the floor.

"Dance, shit."

I brought my dance outfit cause I need to practice for my competition. I wore my outfit with a big hoodie on top and walked outside.

I started walking out the door when Cameron came running out.

"I'm practicing, please don't tell Hayes."

"Okay, I won't ."

I got to the stage and took my hoodie off.

Kings and queens- (throw it up)



1-2-3-4" I whispered

"Spin 1-2-3, down, leap and twirl, flip, and twirl."


"Whose there?" I asked panicky


"Shit." I said quietly

I didn't want him to know that I danced. I'm horrible anyways.

"Why didn't you want me to know?"

"I don't know, i- I mean I'm horrible anyways." I said

"No, your really really good. You can do a flip in the air. That's pretty impressive."

"Thanks Hayes." I said

"Wanna teach me some?"


"Okay, hip hop, ballet, or jazz?" I asked

"You know what, come here."

I walked closer.

He picked me up.

"Put me down! Ugh! I hate you!"

He carried me all the way back to the apartment and we saw that everyone was gone.

"Did we miss something?" I asked

"Come here." he said

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