Chapter 18

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Corona was a bright kingdom. The ocean seemed to look more blue. The trees more vibrant and the castle seemed to glow! All around the town were happy people. But deep within that castle held a shadowed pain.

The king and queen. Still mourning and hoping for the return of their daughter. But what nobody knew was the secret past of the King.

You see the king was not from this time. When he was a boy he found a special snow globe under his bed that said from santa and as he shook it in the palm of his hand he saw a little kingdom that is known as Corona. The globe got bigger until he fell into a portal and there he was in the center of a forest. He could not find the snow globe that had sent him there but as he looked through the forest he found a little clearing. In the middle stood a huge castle.

He knocked on the door but before he could the owner showed up behind him. She was young woman with dark curls and grey eyes. She was wearing a satin cloak where the hem barely touched the floor and her dress was made of silk.

"What are you doing outside my castle?" She asked

"I'm lost and I don't know how to get back to my parents." The ten year old king said.

"Come inside let's talk about your situation." She said.

She tapped on the door three times and it opened.

The inside was enormous full of jems and paintings. Each wall had it's own different design. The chandelier sparkled like diamonds.

"Wow." The young boy said.

"Now tell me how did you get here?"

"I don't know all I did was shake this snow globe that santa got me and somehow I got here."

"I see."

"Please you have to believe me. I just want my family again."

"I do believe you child. The only problem is I do not have the power to transport through worlds....... permanently. All though I can bring your parents here."

"I have a sister too."

"Okay I think I can bring your family back. But there is a price."

"What is it?"

"You have to become king."

"What?! I'm just a kid I can't become king!"

"With my help you can."

"Aren't you the queen though ?" He asked

"No dear but we're going to pretend I'm one for now. You see I'm a witch."

"I thought witches were bad?"

"Maybe I'm just special then. Now listen to me you're going to grow up here and I will train you in all the etiquette it takes to be a king. Alright?"

"Alright but when will I see my family again?"

"If this works by the time your 18"

"I won't see them for 8 years!"

"No but you can talk to them if you like. See this magic mirror allows you to see them and they think your still there. Your spirit is transported so they think you never left! But it only lasts for oh how do they say it in your time....two hours ah yes and then you have to wait at least another two to go back"

She showed him the floor length mirror.

"Well go on step in it."

He looked at her puzzled but went in anyway. He expected to run into the mirror but he didn't he was in his house. With his family.

"There you are sweetie. It's almost time for dinner." His mother said.

"Mom!" He said and hugged her tightly.

He felt like it was all a dream. He had returned to his normal life and sat at dinner with his family. Told his sister stories and then got tucked in. Just as he was falling asleep he was standing in front of the mirror again.

"There you are."

"How long was I gone?"

"About four....hours time travels more quickly in the 21st century."

"So If I become king you'll bring my family here."

"Yes you have my word."

"Okay let's do this."

The years passed and the witch trained the young boy into a complete gentleman. He was polite and poised and everyday after lessons he would go see his family right around dinner or lunch time. The only problem was they werent his family. They were just allusions the witch had made. she had no intent to bring him back. Once the boy became king she was going to take over the palace. Finally the day came when he was 17. He was to go by Prince James and she was to be his mother Queen Diana of Westley. She would arrange a meeting and request an arranged marriage between him and Corona's daughter Lydia.

The plan worked well as the witch transformed rats into servants. She entered the castle and the arrangement was set. The young man felt terrible about tricking these kind people. Especially the princess whom he had fell in love with. Finally he couldn't take it anymore and confessed to the king and queen that the witch was not his mother and he came from a different land and she promised to reunite him with his family if he married Lydia.

The king and queen took pity on him and appreciated his honesty. The witch was unhappy though her plan ruined. She promised he would regret the day he betrayed him.

The young James as he decided to go by ended up marrying the princess whom he loved very much. He realized he would never see his family again but at least he got to grow up with them. The king and queen allowed the marriage since their daughter seemed to love him too.

Years went by and James became the king and his wife the queen was expecting a child.

The queen unfortunately became very ill. He remembered the witch talking about a flower that could heal the sick and injured.

The kingdom searched high and low and finally found it. They brewed it into the tea and the queen became healthy again. She had a beautiful baby girl with golden locks of hair.

But their happiness had been cut short. The witch was even more angry with the king for he took her flower which was the only thing keeping her alive and young. So she stole his daughter so she could remain young and get revenge.

The king and queen were heartbroken. King James searched the forest but could not find the castle. The witch had buried her castle under the ground except for the tallest tower which stuck in the middle of the ground. The too still smaller than most of the trees.

Now eighteen years later they still wait the return of their beautiful baby girl.

Authors note: yay backstory on the king and queen thought you all would enjoy this. It will be very important in the story so I hope you all liked it! Next chapter should be in present time with Everyone and who knows we might find out who the mysterious stow away is!

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