Chapter 20

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The clinking of chains echoed throughout the underground tunnel. The seven friends walked slowly with guards behind there back. Elsa was being dragged by the guards since her feet were in silver made blocks. Euguene and Anna reached down with their chained hands and lifted her feet so she wouldn't be dragged on the dirt. Eugene was feeling an emotion he hadn't felt in a long time. Guilt. He felt nothing but utter guilt. These people protected him and what does he do in return. Gets them put in prison. Rapunzel was considering using her Earth powers but she was worried the under ground tunnel would concave and no one would be getting out. The tunnel was dark and narrow the only light source was the guards' torch.

The walk felt like it was going to take forever. Finally Eugene got the courage to whisper to Queen Elsa.

"Elsa I'm really sorry but I promise I'm going to get you all out of here." Eugene whispered.

Elsa almost believed him. She really wanted to believe him, but it was really hard to when they were all in chains.

"Are you okay Merida?" Hiccup asked quietly

"No, I'm not, I'm sick and tired of ending up in chains Hiccup."

Merida said.

"I know.....I'm I'm sorry." Hiccup said.

"Quiet back there! You'll have plenty of time to talk in your cells."

"Cells?" You're not putting us in one?"

"Of course not we don't have room for all of you to fit in one. Well we do but it's less of a hazard if we have you separated." The guard said.

Eugene and Anna put Elsa's feet down as the guards directed them to their cells.

The guards guided Merida and Rapunzel to one cell. The one across from them was Eugeneand Anna. The one next to them was Kristoff and Hiccup's,

They could see each other through iron bars but that was it. In each cell there was a bucket a bench and some containers of water.

Elsa was still not given a cell. They began to lead her away from the others.

"Wait where are you taking me?!" Elsa asked

"Sorry Ice witch we've had a special isolated chamber for you."

"No! Let her go! Let her be with us please!" Anna cried.

"She's too much of a risk." The guard simply said.

"No let her go! She didn't do anything! They didn't do anything! It's just me! Just let them be!" Flynn yelled.

"Don't worry Rider we'll make sure your first to go." The guard said.

"Let me go." Elsa tried to move her feet but they were weighed down by the heavy titanium blocks. Her ice just froze her inside the blocks of her hands and feet not even escaping to the outside.

Eugene kicked the bucket and began yelling.

"That will do you know good Euguene!" Rapunzel said.

"What am I suppose to do Rapunzel? I got you all trapped here! And now Elsa is being put in an isolation chamber! Do you know what they do to people that get sent into isolation!"

Anna began to sob uncontrollably.

"Euguene you're scaring her stop!" Rapunzel said.

He looked down and saw Anna next to him crying her eyes out. Not knowing what would become of her sister.

He relaxed a bit. "I'm sorry Anna....I just..."

Anna mumbled something.

"What?" Euguene asked.

"I just got her back," Anna said still crying "it's not fair I just got her back,"

Silence filled the room with the exception of Anna's cries. Kristoff wanted to comfort Anna but it was hard to do that from where they were placed. Eugene didn't really know how to comfort her in this situation. He could lie and say everything was going to be alright but he knew the chance of that was slim.

"Jack will come," Rapunzel said shattering the silence.

"Jack doesn't know where we are." Merida replied.

"Trust me Jack always comes back. You'll see." Rapunzel said. " I stopped believing in him once and I swore never to doubt him again. He'll be here and he'll save us. "

"Wait how did Hans see Jack? He couldn't see him before back in Arendelle." Hiccup asked.

"I....I don't know." Rapunzel replied. "But that doesn't matter. Jack will be here as soon as he can," She looked down at her Memory necklace and saw it was beginning to dim. the palace.

"Your highness' we present you Prince Hans of the Southern Isles." One of the servants said

Prince Hans walked down the long carpet and bowed before the king and queen.

"Your highness' it is an honor." Hans said.

"Prince Hans of the Southern Isles we heard you prevented an ice witch and con men into our palace for that we thank you." Queen Lydia said to him.

"It was my pleasure your highness."

"People are saying that the winter spirit Jack Frost was with them and you chased him off is that true?" King James asked suspiciously

"I'm afraid that is common gossip. The man I chased off was the Ice Witch's brother, or possibly minion. He was impersonating the spirit to blend in with the festivities." Hans said.

"So everyone was captured except for the Jack Frost imposter?" Queen Lydia asked.

"Yes my queen, they are in the dungeon as we speak and we have isolated the witch, so she can't hurt anyone."

"I would like to see this witch." The king said.

"If you wouldn't mind me speaking out my opinion your highness I strongly suggest you reconsider she is dangerous and manipulative,"

"That's why I want to know if she was the witch that took my daughter."

"Well at least Sire I request that you wait until she is in her......enhanced cell."


"Yes sir we have decided to put her in an under ground cell that has been affiliated with hot steam. We have made a sauna if you will."

"Why is that?"

"Heat should make her weaker. Since she contains the ability of ice."

The king recalled a memory when Hans replied.

"Every Witch has a weakness whether it's ice, sunlight, water. " Gothel had said to him.

"What's yours.?" He had asked.

"A good witch never tells her weakness"

"Very well then I shall wait." The king said coming back to the present.

"I agree with your decision Sire." Prince Hans said. "I would also be honored to go on the search for this spirit imposter."

"Do what you must Corona is very lucky to have you in our kingdom," Queen Lydia.

"Thank you my queen."

Authors note: I'm a terrible person I know. I had so much stuff going on this week and that's all I can say. Junior year sucks and algebra 2 sucks but writing fan fiction makes me happy so I hope to do it more often. Hope you guys like it! Please comment vote and share!

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