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I was standing Infront of him with tears streaming down my face "why u didn't even believe me once ?" I yelled at him but he didn't care. "I always told u the truth u only think of yourself u never ever loved u only tortured me with your love that was all torture which u called that was not Love u hear me u understand!!!" I yelled at him angrily i was shaking with anger i was red as i was going to explode.
"Ohhhh so u called my love torture" he yelled back taking steps towards me but i stand still but deep down i was afraid of the talk that where it's all leading to .
"Yes it was all pure torture which u called love u never ever loved me once u never respected me is that what u call love!!??" I spat out at him and then when he came closer to me and grabbed me by my arm in a painful manner it Hurts . " U never did a respectable thing u think i should respect u at wht u did seriously" he said while he shook my arm and that hurt nd let out a humourless laugh. He then pushed me to the ground i fall with a thud .
"I never thought that u would turned out to be this . I hate that I love you" i said crying nd hugging my knees to my chest . I felt pain not the outside one but the inside it was killing me the thought of him that how he turned out to be is killing me . I cried and cried that night asking Allah what's my fault is .
Your fault is that u love him unconditionally also after wht he had done to u just look at yourself in the mirror were u like that before my conscience said it was true .

Heyy I'm zoya zaeem . I'm 20 years old My father's name is zaeem sheikh and hoorain sheikh is my mom they are love i have a brother and a sister zainab and shaheer is my brother i am the eldest of all and obviously dominating but i love my family nd friends i indeed have so many friends for real and i also have so many people i called friends but they always prove me wrong but my bestest best frnd a.k.a cousin a.k.a childhood buddy a.k.a my soul sister my soulmate my other half my sister from another mother my lifeline and always there for me no matter what and always be the that i can cry on, my partner in crime my baby hayat. I was studying engineering back then and i was living my life at its full extent when he entered in my life i was happy everyone was happy i started to like him i dont know when it all get in love i started to love with all my might . But i never known that he didn't.

Hi I'm Mohammed zaid ahmed son of zahid ahmed, owner and CEO of ahmed motors and parts co. And owner of zaid architecture co.  Im 25 years old . An unmarried happy bachelor i always run from all these kind of attachments until she entered or i can say i let her enter . She was so strong fearless outspoken and i don't like that i hate outspoken and fearless girls. Girls should have fear should be afraid of men but she was totally opposite of my thinking but i started liking her but i was block the way from which love can enter i dont want to be weak.

Little did they both know what fate had written for them and how it all turn out to be ...
Her love trust care . His hate hurting words anger . Let see can Love take over at hate can the words which once let her can make her smile again . Let see if she regret her love for him or if he regret his hate for her.
Its a whole different story . It is a love story but that old kind of love story it's alot different. It has so many twists and turns when you'll think that you got it its when it take a turn and Will surprise u all please make it read don't judge im not going to hurt anybody if anyone got hurt by any of my writing then I'm whole heartily sorry . This book contains some cliché moments as it is a love story it will contain some romantic moments of the lovey dovey couple and some moments will be violent but not that much.


his story is fictional all places and characters shown in that book are my imagination if u found any of the character living or dead its purely fictional and imaginary.
This is my book I'm the owner of this book please don't copy my work . plagiarism is a crime.

All Rights Reserved 2018®

Keep smiling


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