chapter eight: "i saved her"

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Heyy everyone sorryy for updating late. I was a bit demotivated . Nevermind enjoy reading

I was seeing zoya in a black sea she was drowning and asking me for help . I quickly jumped in the water and said " Zoya don't worry I'm here I'll save you" I said in worry lacing my voice. I was trying to get her out of water but instead of coming out she was getting more and more in the water. "Zaid... Zaid aa....are drow....n..ning me pl..ple...please" Zoya said in more difficulty because of water getting in her nose and throat. I want to help her but instead i was drowning her with my own hands . Yaa Allah what's happening. "Zoya please come out I'm here to save you I want to save but instead I'm pushing you more in water " i said with tears rolling down my face. I was crying for her. And all of a sudden i just hold her and she said "Zaid hol...hold haa..hand pl...please me.." i heard her voice last time and now she was all in water I thought I lost her. But she rose on her own from water. I picked her up in bridal style and brought her to the shore. She was laying lifeless there. I pushed a hand on her stomach to spit out sea water but she was just laying unconscious. "Zoya please don't do this to me I can't forgive myself for not saving you please Zoya wakeup for the sake of this relation I will take care of you, I won't hurt you anymore , I won't let you drown or hurt again ple..please wa...wake up" my voice cracked at the end and tears starts to form in my eyes seeing her lifeless body.
"See what you have done .... You killed her.. you killed her with your own hands. She was asking for help , she was asking for mercy on her but see what you have done" My inner self was yelling at me.
" No no this cantbe happening no zoya please don't leave me please" I said as I again pushed my hand against her stomach much harder to create pressure and then she spit out black water of sea . She started to cough and she opened her eyes slowly and then smiled at me and again closed her eyes. "Zoyaa zoyaaa... No...nooo zoyaaa" I woke up with my breathing uneven. I am panting heavily and sweat is all over my face and there are tears in my eyes. "It was a dream . It was just a dream" I say to myself again and again reassuring myself that it was dream . A bad dream. A nightmare. Why the hell I'm thinking about her , what's happening with me I'm not of that type. Ufff I'm hating it .

Sorryy everyone for a short update suffering from writer's block. So please bare with me.

Touch the star button to make me smile please❤.
Luv yaa all..


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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