chapter six : "the talk"

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Asalamoalaikum guysss I'm sorryyyy for vanishing for thousand years . Now I'm here with a cool update and so here is zaid's pov .
Enjoy reading

Zaid's pov:

I was sitting in my office checking my files when my cellphone ringed . I pick it up after checking the caller ID it was mom. "Asalamoalaikum ammi jaan how are you?" I asked with love "walaikumsalam bety Allhamdullillah im good how are you did you have your lunch or you skipped it again because of your silly work?" Mom asked in worry , she knows me very well "mom yeah i skipped but but because i want you to cook biryani for me so i can eat it twice of my liking that's why i skipped lunch" i said with a sly grin "shut up and don't make lame excuses i know you very well my workaholic son , uffff who will be your wife will have so much difficulty i already pity on her" ammi said i can seee her grinning ear to ear "well amiii jeee it will happen after ages yaa know i don't have interest in this nonsense" i said because i had felt that there is something mom wants to say and it's about this marriage thingy i can feel it she is my mom i can guess it from her way of talking."okayy now mom i have loads of work to do so talk to you later and please make biryani for me" i said with a grin. "Okay okayy i will and don't get yourself overworked okayyy!" Mom said sternly " "okayy okayy merii pyari amiii(my dear mother) i won't" i answered "good boy" said mom and i can see her smirking ."take care mom asalamoalaikum" i said and ended the call after her reply. 'get yourself prepared Mr. Zaid it's going to be a long longggg dayyy' i said to myself. As i know what i will be facing when I'll reach home. I sighed a long sigh and drown myself in work. Time passed by and now it's the time to go home.
"Asalamoalaikum amii" i greeted mom as i entered the house . "Walaikumsalam my son how was your day?" Mom asked with love. "Unnhh it was tiring as usual" i said making a sad face. "Okay go to your and get fresh me and saira will Serve the diner till then" mom said shooing me to my room. I sighed and head to my room then got freshed and then i headed towards the dining hall. Well my house is not that much big but big it has 8 rooms and a quite big lounge/hall and dining room and a lawn as well . These all are the result of my hard work i really worked hard to get to the point where i am standing now. I am the CEO of my dad's company and as well as i also have my own company of architecture . I handle both of them with so much dedication and hard work . Because zain bhai is in dubai right now to open a branch of zahid motors there also. So I have to work for his place too. I was in trance when bhabs snapped her fingers in front of me. "Where are you lost mister ?eh?" Bhabhi said with a raised brow. "Uhh nowhere i was just missing bro" i said covering up. "Yeahhh me too" bhabhi said with a sad sigh. Awn they both so cute. "Sooo ..... Come have diner" bhabi said wriggling her eye brows. I know there's something fishy very very fishy. We had diner in silence and in the ishary baazi (talking with eyes) of bhabhi and ammi. "Ayeee ladies please stop this communication of eyes I'm confused is there something which missing?" I asked at the peak curiosity. "Welll..... Me, ami and alia have decided togetyoumarried " bhabhi said all in one go and after that a cheeky grin was there on her face. "Ehh bhabhi i just only got the word married." I replied in duhh tone because i was now fully fed up with this marriage thingy. "Well bhabhi and ammi if it is anything related to marriage then I'm out of it please let me out of it I'm happy with my life" i said sternly not wanting to continue 'the talk' . "What so ever I'm not listening any word understood" mom said more sternly dismissing my words in thin air . "Okayy okayyy now say what's the matter?" I said showing interest. My heart is beating fast and i don't know why is this happening , it never acted like that before. This time its something different. Something is changed within me. I'm changed how much i run from this marriage thing before now i want to listen to what ammi has for me what fate has for me. Well we make our fate i don't believe in fates and qadrs. But im interested now i dont know why and I'm hating it. I don't want to be weak. Well let's see what ammi has in stock for me. I want a girl of my type, of my liking, i want her to be fearful and shy and eastern i want her to be quite. I don't like outspoken and fearless girls. "So my son is ready to get married eh?" Ammi said teasingly. I was in my own thoughts when the i was afraid of slipped from my tongue. "Yess" i absentmindedly said then regret. "Wallahhh does the sun rose from the west today or am i dreaming?" Bhabhi said putting a hand on her chest and widening her eyes like she had seen a ghost. I rolled my eyes at her dramatics. "Like you as in Mohammed zaid zahid the CEO , the business tycoon, the Mr. Workaholic , mr. Serious saying yes for marriage please someone pinch me please. Aliaaaaaaa!!!!!!!" Bhabi said exaggerating very word and at kast she screamed . Why bhabi whyyyy. "w..whatt happened whatt bhabhi are you alright amii you okay?? Bhaii you did something??" Alia asked more as threat like i have pointed a gun over their heads. Why my family women are drama queens. "Aliaa you know whatt Mr. Mohammed zaid said yes for marriage can you imagine " bhabhi said dreamingly. "Whaattt when how why with whom whatttt" aliaaa started rambling . "Aliaa aliaa hold on i just said yes for marriage talk not for the marriage. " I said and i can hear their hopes crashing. Tsk tsk I'm too bad. "Well now all three of you shut your mouths and zaid listen to me carefully " ammi said sternly and we all sat straight. "Yes ammi I'm all ears" i said calmly. "So you are ready for marriage?" Ammi asked lovingly. "Kind of hehe" i said and covered it up with a nervous laugh. "Good boy so you want to know whose the girl i chose for you or you want leave everything on me?" Ammi said raising an eyebrow i know she is teasing me but i want to know but i can't say it then how. "No no. Ammi your choice is my command your highness" i said in a British accent. "Dramebaaz notanki-- gimmick boyy" ammi said and slapped my shoulder . "Owww ammi it hurts " i said faking hurt. "Shut up and listen i know you want to know whose the girl ." Mom said in duhh tone. I gave her a cocky smile. "So the girl is ........" Ammiiii exasperated . "Whooo" i said in curiosity. Aahhhh curiosity gets the best of me. The three laughed. I narrowed my eyes at them . "Say naaa amiiii" i whined like a kid. "The girll issssss.... .." and ammi dropped a bomb on me...

Sorrryyy another cliff.
And yes I'm alive sorryyy for vanishing for like thousand years. But now im here I'll update soon again till then enjoyy.


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