chapter three: convincing parents

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Asalamoalaikum guysss a new update.. and i want a favor please i want you all to please make covers for my books please...
Enjoy reading

Third person's pov:

Zoya was sitting in her room thinking of a way to convince her parents to join a university for her as they said no to her for university as she haven't gone to co-education high school so it is very hard for them to let her go to university as well as it is really awkward in the society they live in but her parents support her always and she is so thankful for that. "I have to do something now"  zoya said to herself as she was talking to herself which she does very often because she thought that she needs expert advice sometimes so she talk to herself and asked herself . I know zoya is silly and such a child but she is very kind-hearted and a loving soul . She is so lively she always lived in her own bubble .she never ever talked to boys not even in school but once a girl named hamama which zoya considered as her best friend stabbed her hard . Hamama did talked to a school boy who is senior to them his name was zahir ,she  talked him with zoya's account and pretend her to be as zoya and hamama did that to know if hunain zahir's Friend liked hamama or not , she used zoya she stabbed at her back . After that zoya started to compose herself . So im short zoya was never like to talk to boys she has her standard and she was so outspoken that sometimes she argued with male teacher if they become clingy . Back to now. Zoya had a plan to convince her parents to let her go to university. She put out her books and started to solve the problem which she never studied. She was sitting at terrace trying hard to solve the problem which she doesn't even know in what language it is written. I forgot to tell she took pre-engineering in her HSC (high school/college)to the utmost surprise in which maths , physics and chemistry are the leading subject and she has 0% interest in these subjects but she was left with no choice . She was solving a physic's problem and she dont even know what to do she started to panick her mom came and sat beside her and asked "what are you doing beta?" "I don't know what to do i can't even solve a single problem how can i handle it?" She said panicking. Yeah yeah it was her plan to convince them but it was somewhat true that she has no hint of engineering and how she is going to pass it . Because she had passed her HSC with most  difficulty but she cleared it with such good grades. She started crying as she knows her tears is her father's biggest fear. "Mom i don't have a single hint how to solve them what am I going to do?" She asked while crying. Her mom took her in her embrace and said "ssshhhh don't cry we will think" her mom consoled her. Zoya smirked in her arms as she knows her plan is working. "No we won't think it is decided she will go to university that's final i can't see her like this panicking . I will call zeeshan and asked him for her admission as he was also a university student so he can help her in the process" her father said at which zoya flushed her innocent smile which always melt everyone's heart.

Zoya's pov:

"but dad i had filled forms for college again as for as per mom said"  i said flashing a sad smile. "Cancel it we are going to university tomorrow morning for your admission process" dad said at which i  was dancing in my mind and my eyes were twinkling as it was my dream to study at university. "But zaeem what will everybody say no girl has gone to a co-education centre" mom said worried "she is my daughter i know what to do and what not and i don't care about anyone i just care for my children's happiness that's all and that's final no more arguments" dad said in a stern voice which is enough for me and mom to shut up. They both left. I was laying at my bed and sleep is no close as i was extra excited i picked my mobile and called my baby (not boyfriend) my baby hayat (my best friend)
Pick it up ... Pick it up...
Ring.. ringg ringg....
She picked up after three rings .
"What happened zoeee?" She said almost in sleep. I then checked the time and it was two of night i face palm myself then i thought she is my best friend i can call her at anytime. "Whaaatt.. whaatt happened zoeee you don't even know what happened you don't care about me you just care about your damn beauty sleep go sleep sorry i disturbed you" i said in a loud voice i was playing with her. "Hogayaaa teraaa???(are you done with it) "she said in an irritated voice i can see her rolling her eyes and huffing. I giggled i love her soo much . "Abhii kahaaann phele tjhe bta tw do(not now first i need to tell u" i said in a teasing voice. "Now spillll" she asked . I told all the drama i created and dad's decision i was beyond happy. I was at cloud 9 . She started laughing hard "you.... Uu .areeee such...suchh a ddd.. .. Dramaaaa queeen i sweear" she said in between her laughing. I rolled my eyes then joined her in laughing . "Haaaaaaaaa now im at peace i had told you you know naaa i can't sleeep until I spill all beans" i said giving a toothy grin as she is watching. "Daant andr (don't show your teeth) nowww sleeeppp " she said . "Okayyy byeee babyyy ummaaahhh luvv yaaaa" i said flying kisses to her. "Ewwwwww luv yaaa tooo goooddd nighttt" she said. "Huhhhh i wanttt my kisss " i said whining like kid as she is my husband. "Ughhhhh ummmaahh tooo nowww dafaaaaa(get lost)" and she ended the call. Suddenly word husband appeared in my mind and i blushed i dnt know why but i blushed. "What are you thinking zoeee concentrate on your studies you just cleared HSC" i said to myself . Suddenly something hit me hard "HSC" i whispered as tears started to form in my eyes . "I have to forget all of that how can i even think of marrying boys are shit i ruined everything with my own bare hands . What will i do if all if that will disclose Naaudubillah(God forbid) " i shook my head to clear all those things of past . "I wasn't in love than why i did that i know its too big here " tears started to form in my eyes. "Okayyy i won't think of it again itss all past In shaa Allah(if Allah wills) it will be vanish" with that thought i drifted to peaceful sleeep.

What was zoya hiding of her past?????
Stay tune moreee is too comeeee . Now tell me whom pov you all want in next chap... Zaid's or zoya's???? Give feedback..
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Asalamoalaikum.. luv yaaa seee youuu..


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