chapter five: "the shockk"

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So here's a new update for my Lovely readers. Sorryyy i was too ill so couldn't update . So now i updated so please shower this chapter with votes comments and shares and show reviews.
Happieee reading

Zoya's pov:

"Well what you think Will zoya agrees?" I heard my dad saying. "Well you know what ami said that they asked for zoya's hand with much love and happiness" i heard my mom saying ."whaaaaaaaatttttt " i shouted in shock but in my mind.  I should've seen that coming why shouldn't i believed my instincts they were never ever wrong like when there was the match of Pakistan and Bangladesh and Pakistan needs 4 runs in six balls my instincts said that Pakistan will win and that happened yeahh. Stop talking to yourself zoe concentrate on their convo. I scold myself on my dumbness . I again started to hearing their convo with deep interest well don't blame me , yaaa know period hormones . "If you ask my point then I'm so happy he is a nice boy and their family is also nice" dad said. "I know they are waiting for our answers i hope zoya won't throw any tantrum , she is 20 and will be 21 but still she is a kid she throws tantrums Everytime i don't know how will she react on this " with this mom sighed heavily ."everything will be fine she is a big girl now and im sooooo happy" dad said exaggerating 'so' . I can see happiness only from his voice. Zoe bachyyy Tomorrow is going to be a veryyyy big day be prepared. And with a heavy heart i left to my room .

Now I'm laying in my bed but sleep is not anywhere near . There are so many questions running in my mind.
Who is he?
Who are they?
Do i know them?
Do they know me?
How will my future be?
How will everything be?
And so many more . Yaa Allah please help me and give my heart and mind peace with this silent pray to Allah i slept.

"Zoyaa wakyy wakyyy c'mon wake up " mom shook me. I opened one eye and saw her smiling i immediately got up seeing her smiling i know what this smile is about. "Asalamoalaikum morning mom" i tried to act cool as i don't know anything but at the inside im panicking as panicking is my favorite hobby . I easily got panicked over the most silliest things. "Waaalaikummm asalaaammm betaaa " mom replied. Woah woah woah something's really very fishy. Umm lemme see mom's really happy that means he is close to mom . But who the is heeee. "Zoe where are you lost? " Mom asked. "In him" i absentmindedly said and the next second i mindly face palmed myself at my antics. "Him?? Him who?" Mom asked with raised brow. I'm so dead now. " Mom not him i said sim uhhh yes sim . My sim is not Working since night " i said and regretted. I don't even own a sim how can i be so foolish making silly excuses which don't even exist. Screw you zoyaa. "Sim what sim you don't own a sim do you young lady?" Mom asked in a stern voice. What i put myself in. " Mom you know early morning I'm not in my senses naa i was wondering if i can have sim i was saying that" i said then sighed in relief. "Yeah surely when you will get engaged " mom said grinning from ear to ear. I chocked on air. "Wh..whattt ar...are you saying mom me, engagement what that means?" I said stuttering. Mom noticed my nervousness as she giggled slightly saying " hey whar happened i was just uhh teas...teasing you " i know mom's lying. "Well you know what yesterday your khala came " mom said suddenly . "When" this all i could managed to ask. "Zoe i mentioned yesterday" mom said in a 'duhh tone' . 'o' i said. "why she came?" I asked bluntly. But mom didn't mind. "Zoe she was uhhh she was here for uhhh  uhh. arggghhhh why is this so difficult Allah. "Mom said i can feel her because I'm feeling ditto not for saying but for the revelation. "Mom just say what is it?" I asked in the most calming voice i can. "Yourkhalaaskedyourhandinmarriagewithzaid." Mom said in one go. But i only understand the word 'zaid' . Why can't i about him before he is the one closest to mom dad likes him too that's why both are happy. "Mom i didn't understand a single word please say in human language" i said making a face. Mom glared at me . "I said your khala came to ask for. Your. Hand. In. Marriage. With. Zaiddddd." Mom said forcing every word. "Whaaatt mom hahaha you're joking right i know i know mom you're kidding me hahaha that was the best prank mommy" i said while laughing nervously. "Ummm uhh no its its not a prank she really asked for your hand with so much love. Zoe please think on it" mom said with pleading eyess. "Umm mom whatt what about dad is he happy?" I asked. "Umm yeah he is he ia totally you know how much of him likes zaid. " Mom said. "Hmm" this all i could managed to say. Mom sees my face as she puts a hand on my face with love "zaid is a nice guy bachy he will keep you really very happy in shaa Allah(by Allah's willing) "mom said her voice lacing with worry . "In shaa Allah" with that i gave her a tight lipped smile. And got up to go washroom. "Zoya is that a ye..yes?" Mom asked with hope. "If it's a yes from both of you then it's an okay from me "i said in the most emotionless voice. And with that i closed the washroom door and stood there i heard mom sighing sadly and then i heard my bedroom door opened and closed . With that noise i leaned back at the washroom door and cried cried so hard i don't know why but i feel like crying . I feel like everything is going to be upside down. With a heavy heart and feet i stood up and do my business and got out. I don't feel like eating but still i went to the dinning where i saw my mom and dad sitting smiling, once their eyes fell on me their smiles dropped. I then smiled at them a sad smile. "Asalamoalaikum daddy you still here?" I asked . Don't get me blunt but it's 12 noon and still he is at home that's why i asked. "Walaikumsalam and yes I'm at leave today" dad answered "why papa are you ill or something?" I asked with worry "no my child it's because uhh did did your mother told you anything?" Papa asked i nodded. "Then what's your point of view at it" he asked. "As per your wish parents" i said addressing both of them . "Well my child he is a very good guy I've seen him he will keep you happy." Baba said with a loving voice. At which i nodded and gave them a tight smile. Then i got up as i was in mood of eating. I was walking past by dinning room when i heard mom saying " well i will call noora baji today and gave them our answer" , "umm okayy as you wish but first ask zoya again" dad said in a stern voice i smiled watching their concern for my approval.
I'm laying at my bed thinking about what future holds for me. Well i had always played with my life and destroyed it with my bare hands i should now give my fate and my parents a try. I was brought back from my trance by a knock at the door. "Come in " i yelled and there was standing my mom. "Mom you don't have to knock and ask for my permission to get in please come in" i said getting up from my bed and heading towards mom. "I'm here to ask you that you really want to continue with it? And will i call your khala today?" She asked . I sighed and took a deep breath and said " yes mom I heartily agree at this and yes you can call her whenever you want" with that i gave her a smile which doesn't reach my eyes. A lone tear falls from mom's eye as she gather me in her embrace and there i lost it and started crying badly and sobbing. Mom runs a hand over my back and says soothing words to me. But i only got her words "you will be happy he will love you he will respect you" then i started slowly drifting to sleep in my mom's embrace.

Sooooo whattt u all say about this chapter. Show your review they mean alot u can criticize if u want show me my mistakes i will correct them givee suggestions and please tell me whose pov u want in next chapter??? Zoya's or zaid's?

*Pull you all in a bear hugggg* .

Keep smiling
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