chapter seven : "not my type"

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Here's another update enjoy yourself and share your views. All comments are allowed . If you want to criticize feel free to share suggestions
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Zaid's pov ..😂😂

" And the girl's name is..... " Ammii said and pause at the end. "Breathe zaidu breathe" ammi said laughing then i realized that i was holding my breath but whyy. "I.. i was not holding my breath pkay i was wass just listening to you yeah yeahh listening to you" i said as i acted cool and patted myself in mind at my coolness. "Ammi now tell or else I'm going to sleep" i said threaten as it will work . "Okaay then go sleep you must be tired na" alia said getting in between. I glared at her and she laughed. "Arggghhhh I'm seriously going" i huffed. "Heyy drama king sit here " ammi said knowing me. I gave her a toothy grin at which she chuckled and mumbled some words about how much of a kid i am. "Well now serious" amii said more stern and we all sat straight. "the girl is.... Zoya zaeem's daughter." Ammi said grinning from ear to ear . I choked on my own saliva "Whaaaaaat!!!! zoya?" I asked not knowing what to say because i never in my wildest dreams have thought that zoya the miss. Outspoken zoya will be the girl who i will marry . No way I'm not letting it happen."i mean wh..whoo zoyaa" i asked stuttering. "Zoya your hoorain khala's daughter you know her very well" ammi said in duhh tone. "Ohh yeah yeahh i remember" i acted like i was thinking hard to recognize her and suddenly i remember . How foolish of me. "An..and what about her?" I asked showing no interest but why i need stutter at this crucial state. Ughh. "Beta she is a nice girl and we have seen her from childhood . It is so hard to find girls nowadays , how do we know about them, what's their background we can't trust strangers...    " On and on ammi starts her rambking about how much we know that zoya and how can we find a good girl and blah blah what not. Like only this zoya is here for me to marry. Why man whyyyy . Why herr . "Mommmm she is not my type you know that well" i cried. "Type what type what's the fault in her count me one?" Ammi said challenging. " Mom she has no faults but she is not of my type like i don't like outspoken and talkative and confident  and fearless girls i like fearful and shy girls you know me well. And that zoya she don't even know the spelling of shyness." I said rolling my eyes but fist bump in mind at how i answer mom's challenging words. "Well that's not a big issue okayy see alia is too talkative do you dislike her or else you want a deaf and dumb girl for marriage who won't speak" ammi said more challenging. And i was like 'seriously mother' and blinked my eyes twice and thrice in disbelief on my own mother's words. Mothers can be dangerous at times i must say. "Okayyy fine then do what you think is right i don't have any problem then" i said in defeat. No one can win from moms i repeat no one. Alia squeal and gave me air choking hug and choked on air and begged her to release me. "A..aaliaaa le..leeaavvveee mm..mmee its...sssss sufff.suuffoocating" i managed to say then she immediately release me from her deadly embrace and showed her Nutella filled toothed smile. Bhabhi also congratulated me and stood up saying that she will tell bhai about all this. "I am going to my room i will tell zahir about this he will be very happy and he will then try to come early" bhabi said with her eyes sparkling at the name of bhai. They both are goals. "Ahaann bhabhi you want him to come early you are even missing him but you are using my name to ask him to come early ehh?" I said teasingly bhabi blushed. "Shut up you only  think about your zoya now " bhabi said still blushing. "I'll be also get going now im sleepy good night everyone" i said and wenr back to my room and jumped on bed the moment i laid on bed my thoughts drifted to her the only name 'zoya' .I don't know why but only the mention of her name send chills down my spine. What is she doing to me. Control zaid why loosing.
But loosing what? Mind asked.
You are loosing your heart Mr. Zaid. My heart whispered.
No you have to be strong don't loose yourself don't listen to this dumb heart. My mind yelled.
Zaid ohh come on always listen to your heart. My heart softly whispered.
Shut up both of you mind do your work and send signals to every oragan and heart you also do your work pump blood and don't fight. I said to my mind and heart and then i realize what i was doing. I'm seriously loosing it. What are you doing to me zoya. Uffff i huffed and rightly closed my eyes to sleep but sleep was the last thing to be consumed. I then started picturing me with zoya. Strange na even i also felt strange but what can i do i think I'm sleep deprived. Yeahh that's the reason. But one thing to say that zoya will look amazing with me. Well who will not cuz I'm too much handsome every girl will suit. But she matches my standard noo. Thinking about her and picturing her with me doing this stuff sleep consumed me . See i told naa i was sleep deprived that why i was saying nonsense. I was sleeping peacefully when suddenly i started to sweat and breathing heavily  . I was having frown lines on my forehead . I was panting and just saying one name zoyaa zoyaa. I was repeating her name continuously . I was seeing her . She was.... Shee wass...  Nooo zoyaa zoyaaa pleasee   nooo noooo.......

Asalamalaikum peeps here's an update now enjoy and share your views...

Luv yaa alll


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