chapter two: yayyyyy!!!

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Asalamoalaikum So an update to my lovely readers .. sorryy for updating latee moree is to come stay with me to know.
this chapter is dedicated to aditikatare2 girl u r loveee so nyc girl i evwr talk tooo..

Enjoy everyone...

Zoya's pov:

I was still in shock after seeing what's my cell was showing ... "I can't believe this i had to check it once again" i again put my roll number in insert column and touch the search button . I again showed that i searched again and again . Mom and dad were watching my every step with a raised brow . "What happened why you panicked?" Mom asked taking a step closer . "Mom dad see this" i handed my cellphone to them and tears were streaming down my cheeks . "See it says i got an A-one in my HSC how could it be true i can't believe it" i said unsure. "No my sweetheart its for real its your hard work you really worked hard for your  HSC and see Allah blessed you its your reward for your hardwork" mom said wiping off my tears she took me in her embrace i sobbed quietly she runs her hand all over my back to soothe me and whispered soothing words to me. "Well-done my child I'm proud of you!" My dad exclaimed happily he patted my head and kissed my forehead. I was calm now . It is the best day of my life. All day went in congratulations session calls and messages from friends and relatives .
I was sitting lost in my own thoughts about what I'm going to take now as to the subject of my studies . "Mom i was wondering what Field should i take?" I asked mom having a confused expression on my face. Mom understood my situation as she said "beta (child) take the field you can continue take the field in which u have your heart in " she said calmly calming my anxiety. "Thanks mom you helped alot" i returned her with my sincere smile. I was sitting in my room suddenly there was a knock on my room door. "Come in " i shouted and there my cousin hira peaked through the door "heyyy come inside why are you standing there" i waved at hira motioning her to come in and sit "well zoe I'm here to congratulate you on your success in HSC you scored pretty good i was wondering what are you doing next ?" Hira asked with concern. "Uhhhh ummm i don't know I'm stuck" i said irritatedly. "Well i heard that you are too going to continue your studies as well?" I asked with a raised brow. "Uhhh yess i decided to continue" she said with a sly smile. "After two years" i blurted out then i regret it "ummm well i can . Can't i?" She said i immediately regret my words. "Umm no no no i dnt mean that " i said while i  laughed nervously. Then we chatted for some time . She got up from where she was sitting and said "so can we go to fetch forms for admission?" She asked "ummm yeah yeahh we will" i answered. She smiled then got out from my room i laid my head back at the headrest . "Tomorrow is going to be a very busy dayy" i thought to myself.
I woke up by the sound of alarm i set for tahajjud i got up after cursing alarm for ringing to loudly at my ear. I got up  and prayed tahajjud and then fajr adhaan called out i listened to it attentively then prayed fajr after fajr i recite Qur'an shareef for sometime it gives me peace to my soul. Then i started to get dressed as i was going to get form for admissions in college . I went to college got form filled it and then submitted it. My all day passed with this admission headache . I also asked hira to accompany me if she also wants to continue her studies but she declined saying i will get it some other day as i didn't decided what to choose as my field to continue studies. I was not happy because mom asked me to continue my studies from college as in or B.A but i don't want to do that i want become engineer or else not that then i heartedly want to study in university for higher education but mom declined me saying you can't go to university it is against society . I agreed because being a Pakistani i was brought up as girls don't wear jeans , girls don't hangout, girls don't talk to boys, girls don't go to university and blaah blaah blah . But i was one of a kind and i don't like anyone forbidding me from doing something it made my blood boil unless they are my mom and dad when someone says to me that what will other think i always answer "does that 'others' feed you food or give you monthly money or are you their slaves?" Because i don't care about anyone and my this attitude lead me to a big mistake i committ. I still regret it . But time never stop for anyone it was not a big deal for me that time. "Mom but i also studied in CO coaching then why aren't you letting me go to university?" I asked her with hope . "I don't know zoee now enough of this university okayy!! You know that also became the very popular topic when you we let u joined coaching its not our morals beta" she said. "So mom not letting daughters study are these your so called morals" i spat and the other second i regret it. "Control your voice  Miss.zoya zaeem and behave yourself" mom said angrily. I know she is damnn angry because when she use my full name . I gulped down and said "sorryy mom i won't argue again i got what you are trying to say" and give her a sad smile . "Beta we are your parents why should we thought ill about you and we also don't want anyone to think ill about you we love you alot" she sighed as she continue "you know where we live you know your relatives we trust you wholeheartedly baby but we don't trust people outside hope you understand" mom flashes her beautiful smile. I suddenly felt a pang of pain in my chest at the word 'trust' am I really good to deserve their trust . They  trusted me wholeheartedly but what did i give to them betrayal, cheat , hurt ... Tears were forming in my eyes I blinked my eyes hard to stop them . "Okayyy mom see you later i am going to pray " i said in a shaky voice as i was at the edge of crying. "I love you mom i love you both "  i said as i hugged her tightly then rushed to my room and locked myself and sit at my back to the door . I was sobbing quitely regretting that thing which i done in past.

Asalamoalaikum guysss..  show your love and support. Shower this chapter with votes comments and shares...
I will update soon in shaa Allah.. till then think why is zoya crying ??? What had she done that she is regretting?? Well tell your views and guess about it . ....

Keep smiling...
Luv yaa alll


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