chapter one : whaaattt!!

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Asalamoalaikum peepsss plzzz i need your love and support plzzz vote comment share follow plzzzz showw your love and views.
Enjoy update

Zoya's pov

I just couldn't sleep today just after  twelve hours and forty minutes it is going to be disclosed what am i gonna do than oh myy God ohh myyy God Allah helppp meeeee!!!! I started to panick .
Okayyyy !!! Zoyaaa comee onn breath in , breath out now repeat.
After some deep breaths i started to calm down i then started to read duas and sleep overtook me and took me to my dreamlanddd

I was crying badly crying "whyy it happened whyyy what am i gonna do now what will i tell mom and dad they have so many expectations " i was crying badly " nooo it can't happen i tried my best then how could it be this worse Allah what am i gonna do nowww" i sobbed . I then got up from i was sitting for what feels like hours . I gather the courage to get up and walked towards my parents my father was getting ready for his office and mom was serving him breakfast. "Asalamoalaikum amaa baba good morning" i greeted my parents in a shaky voice. "Walaikumsalam "  they said in unison . "What happened dear why  you sound soo off is there anything wrong?" Mom asked me in a worried voice. "Ummm mom dad i wanna show u both something but first promise me you both won't get angry" i said while a single tear escaped my eye. "Ohhh dear whyy are you crying I'm getting worried now" mom said standing up from where she was sitting and came to me . I then gather courage and then show them the thing i was holding . I was holding my cellphone i gave it to them . I then shut my eyes tight and i heard mom and dad both gasped . I slowly opened my eyes and saw mom's hand on her mouth in shock and dad's eyes widely open . "I am sorry amma baba i can't make it " i said crying hard. "I.. I trr.. tried hard for.. for it butt... I.. I don't howwww did it happ.. happened" i said while sobbing. It was my HSC result and i failed it.....
Sad sighhhh....
"Well dear I'm sorry then you can't continue your studies just let it stop here" mom said all of a sudden and my eyes were wide like saucers. "Mom please don't do that give me one more chance please I will clear  it for suree please just allow me don't say this.... Plll... Pleasee" i said crying more harder words were stuck in my throat and i was out of air . I can't breathe . My vision went blurry because of tears . "Please mommm ... Pleaseeee mom........."
Tick tick.. tick tick.. tick
My alarm started ringing i got up immediately all my face was filled with sweat i was breathing heavily and tears were rolling down my eyes .
It was just a dream. It was just a dream .. calm down zoeee calm .. breath in breath out ...  I was telling myself again and again . I started reading 'audubillah' again and again to calm my nerves down. I calmed after a few minutes . I checked the time And it was ten minutes to fajr adhaan i quickly got up and got freshed and did my ablution(wudu) and prayed tahajjud and cried my heart out to my Allah because he is Al-Sami he listens to our words even if we don't say in words he still hear . When i was reciting some duas fajr adhaan called out . I kept quiet and listen to adhaan attentively and answered it . I then prayed fajr and after that i sat at the prayer mat reciting Quran shareef after some time i prayed ishraak (obligatory) prayers . I was crying and making dua asking Allah SWT to forgive me and my family and ummat e muslimah. And grant me with a righteous spouse who can lead me to jannah . I smiled at the thought of my future husband .little did I know very soon my life is going to be upside down. I don't even know when i dozed off still on prayer mat .
"Ohhhh girl wakeup zoeee" mom said patting my cheek slowly . I opened one eye amd smiled at my Mom . "Get up girl go lay down on the bed and sleep there" mom said and then my eyes  snapped open and i look at Mom then at clock i immediately got up and started searching for my mobile like a mad woman. "Mom where's my cell where is it i can't find it did you it somewhere please where it is i need it....." I was saying everything very fast. "Ohhhh hold on ladyyy you are really acting like a mad woman chill you are still sitting at the floor get up and your lovely cellphone is there at the nightstand" mom said pointing towards the nightstand i got up and ran towards the nightstand and grabbed my phone . "What's soo hurry zoeee why are you so tense ?" Mom asked sitting beside me . " Mom you forgot today's the most important day i waited for look" i said showing her the reminder i had set up for my result day and today is the big day  . 'O' it's all what mom answered . Mom then stood up and walked out from my room closing the door behind .
"Mommmmmmmmm"""" i shouted at the top of my lungs.
"Ohhh my Allah what's with this girll whattt zoyaaa ????" Mom shouted back . "Mom who switched off the wifi " i said angrily . "No one cares about me its my result today but everyone is busyy in their own so called important works but no one cares for me and that shaheer i won't leave him ... Hee .. heee switched off the wifi why.. mann whyy" i was rambling. "Heyy heyyy zoe babyyy relax we all care alot and we all remembered about your result day its also very important for us too and there was a fault in wifi device so shaheer switched it off to restart it after sometime now goo switched it on" . I ran towards the device switched it on and then grabbed my phone. I was trying hard to find the result but i wasn't showing "arggghhhh whyyyy itss not showing what thee heee...." I immediately shut my mouth because mom was sending me death glares and dad slightly chuckled seeing my reaction. "Betaa no problem they upload result late u can have breakfast till then you Will surely find your result after an hour" dad said Patting my head with love . I was having breakfast with one hand and mobile in other and was continuously checking my result of its shown or not.
Everyone was having breakfast when checked my result.
My eyes were wide as saucers. "How can that happenn""" my hand was on my mouth and i was shocked "what Happened? What it shows" mom asked.
"Mommmm..." i was trying to say but can't form words. "Thiss.." i said showing my cellphone screenn.
Mommm gaspeddd.

Sorrryyy for the cliffhanger ....
Will update soonnn till enjoy
Asalamoalaikum Keep smiling peepssss..
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