chapter four: the bombbb

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Asalamoalaikum am update sorryy for late update well i was really ill ...
Happieee reading.
Hope you all like it

Zoya's pov:

I was sleeping peacefully and suddenly i felt someone drags my quilt i again cover it over me dismissing the thought. Then again i felt someone shaking my leg i tugged it off then suddenly "aaaahhhhhhgh" booommm i was on the floorr with thud sound laying on my butt.  "Whaaattt theee he... " I quickly covered my mouth with my hands watching a figure standing Infront of me sending death glares . Seriously if looks can then i would under the ground right now. "Uhhh momm whatchu doin ayeee morning" i said putting my elbow on bed and my face in my hand and trying to act cool .such a fool zoeee . I mentally face palmed myself at my antics . Mom starts to laugh i was expecting some kind of violence or else a big lecture. Sometimes you act cool zoeee notttt baddd. I then shake my collar like a cool dude . "Get up you lazy girl what will you do at your susral(inlaws)" mom said Putting a hand at her chest .Typical brown mom though.  "Mommmm what ya sayin?" I asked ."nothing baby now get up and your dad is waiting for you to get you admission in the university" mom said all calmly . "How could i forget thatt im such a clumsy dumbo" i said "i know right" mom whispered more to herself but i heard though . "Mommm" i said making a pout . "Okayy now shoooo go get readyy we are waiting" mom said. I quickly hugged her then went to washroom i do my work brushed my teeth took shower and got dressed. "Asalamoalaikum baba janii" i greeted my father "wasalam beta how's my bacha" father asked. "Allhamdullillah im good abba soooo..  ready for the admission hunt aren't yaa?" I asked my father rubbing my hands together. "Uhh uhhh ohhh someone's in a hurry i seee hmmmm" baba said with a chuckle . "Umm papa you know naa it was my dream to continue my studies at uni" i said while my eyes twinkle with the thought of university . You all know what I'm very fond of university i actually don't even know whyy.  Strange naa . I know I am. "Heyyy where are you lost already in the university aren't you?" Mom asked laughing. "Well no but i don't know why im not feeling well today i already feel puking and still i haven't eaten a piece" i told my mom . "Are you having fever darl" mom asked worry laced in her voice . "Naahh mom I'm all good just not feeling like eating well father we'll go tom to uni what say?" I asked my father i don't know why i did that but I'm having a strange feeling of something i don't know of what but i thought to cancel the plan .

"Hayataaaa babyyyy whatchaaa doin pikachu?" I asked as she picked up . "Walaikumsalam how are you too?" She said and i can literally see her rolling her eyes. "Wellaaaa babyyy I'm not good idk why but I'm having a strange feeling that something big is going to happen i don't know what's that but i want you here in the next thirty minutes or else i had already seen a grave for your ass " i threatened her. "Woaah woaahh young lady from when you being so violent" she asked.  "Ahhh hayatii i want you here now byeee" i hung up before she can answer . Well after fifteen minutes bell rung and there she is the Royale miss idiot aka my baby . Her house is just next to next to ours so that's why she is here that fast well she is tooo clumsy i must add. There she peaks her idiotic face through the door "heyy come in why the hell are you showing these manners like it's your in laws house duhhh..." I said in sarcastic tone "shut up idiot" she retorted back. "And why the hell you called me here i an urgency like you are going to drown or that you are getting kidnapped , well i still pity the poor kidnappers" she said in a most calmed voice . I made a 'wtf' face to her and stuck my middle finger at her . "With pleasure babe" she said in a most seductive voice. Sometimes i doubt her with my own kind . "Ewwwww lesboo" i said with a puking gesture at which shr laughed really hard after sometime i joined her. Slowly that strange feeling started vanishing and now I'm feeling well .

"See this one" i said while smiling and pointing towards my cell for hayat to see what I'm showing to her . "Heyy stop smiling or else your Mom would think that you are talking to some guy and stabbing them in back " she said not noticing my smile dropping . That's when that strange feeling hit me with twice force and now I'm sure that what thing of this feeling is linking my past by somewhat. "ohhh sorryyy sorryy babe i didn't mean that i was just cheering your mood don't get me wrong please" she said in a guilt laced voice. A lone tear trickled down my cheek i was quick to wipe it because i don't want hayat to feel guilty of my own mistakes. "Naaahh babe it's cool i had stabbed them but now I'm not going to repeat my mistakes" i said cheering her up showing myself to be strong but I'm not ,sighhh.

"Babe yaa know what I'm having a strange feeling since morning that my life is going to be changed fully but how i don't have any idea about that" i exclaimed my heart out "babe you are just exaggerating things and nothing more now shut up could you please I'm trying to watch a hella movie but you are not even staying a bit quiet for a mere second for goodness sake" she said shutting me. I instantly crossed my arms over my chest moving my face to the other side showing that I'm mad at her. "Awwww babyy you are pretending like I'm husband for God's sake." She said flying her hands in the air. Husband this word instantly grabbed my attention i dont know why but it did . Remind me to tell her later about this newly discovered instinct of mine . "Eeewwww grosss you seriously wants to marry me I'd die rather as a happy woman then to marry you" i said as i wiped the imaginary dust off my shoulders at which she rolled her eyes.

Now i was sitting in my room tossing in bed . I thought to have something to eat . I quickly got up from bed and headed towards kitchen i quickly made me a sandwich . I spread jam at one slice cheese at the other and butter at another and made a three sliced sandwich for me which is actually gross but don't blame me it's all period's hormones fault. I was heading back to my room when i suddenly heard something like my name so i stopped at the door of my parents. Yeah yeah i know its bad to eavesdrop but i can't help it yaa know period hormones. "Well what you think will zoya agrees?" I heard my dad saying. For what i whispered to myself..

Ooopppssyy ooppssyy a clifffff.

Next chapter will be of zaid's pov .
What You all say whom pov you want next????

Untill enjoy asalamoalaikum

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