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"It is SHAWN CARTER", Kelly yelled and I smacked my had, "don't act embarrassed I see it all that blushing don't hide it girl"

"I know but you something else", I responded.

"How often do yall talk, any dates,and give me all the facts?", she said.

"We talk like everyday since we first saw each other a few days ago, no official dates we got breakfast the day I flew back home and we hung out the night before in his place", I said.

"What was y'all doing", she asked.

"Nothing nasty that's all you need to know you'll find out hopefully soon", I said.

"are you pregnant", she asked.

"Nooo Kelandria don't get to far with this, I don't wanna reveal anything yet", I said.

"Okay got it", she said, "On a scale of 1 to 10 level bop what is it?"

"9 or 10", I laughed.

"I'm excited man cause Crazy In Love is still my jam", she said.

We arrived to the mall instead of firdt shopping we went to get some Starbucks. I was going to need some if I planned doing extreme shopping like today. I don't wanna be coming to the mall too many times, it's fun but it can be stressful.

"Alright now where we going?", Kelly asked.

"I wanna get some clothes for my dad's little girls because I am spoiling many people", I said.

"Man can I be one of your family members", she mumbled.

"You already are I'll get you stuff too", I said and her face lit up.

"Aww Beyy I love youuu", she said.

"You love my money", I mumbled and she smacked me.

"I went to the gym yesterday and paid for our meal yesterday", she said and I laughed.

"You're a mess girl come on let's get to the shopping", I said.

We started wuth the stuff for the girls and I think I kind of went crazy, so crazy we had to go back to the car put it aways. Now it was our turn and we were gonna take some time, we needed very over the top looks, I am trying to impress. Kelly was very helpful with these outfits she has a very good taste, she's another level above me and while we were shopping guess who called.

"Beyonceeeeee", he yelled.

"Jaayyyy Zzzzzz", I yelled back and Kelly amacked her head.

"My goodness I see it now", she said.

"Ayee Keelllyyyyyy", we yelled and she laughed.

"What we doing?", Shawn asked.

"We are hopping right now looking for Cancun outfits", I said.

"Cool what you got so far?", he asked.

"You can't see I just went to Victoria's Secret so it's a secret", I said.

"Scandalous things trust me Jay she's baddie", Kelly added.

"Don't say that and don't believe that, what up?", I said.

"Not much but thanks for the tip Kelly so what yall shopping now", he asked.

"Bikinis and two pieces whatever we find", I said.

"Cool so we gonna meet up for breakfast when you arrive here", he asked.

"Yes of course I just forgot to tell you I can't wait to tell my brother and sister", I said.

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