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Manager😐: Beyoncé can we talk read

Manager😐: I saw you read it please Beyoncé read

Manager😐: I want to apologize Bey

Beyoncé☆: When and where...

Manager😐: The park we used to run around, tomorrow around 8 am

Beyoncé☆: okay

"How you feeling Beyoncé?", Shawn asked as he entered my room.

"A lot better than yesterday sorry we couldn't go to the fair today, I wish it didn't take a day to recover", I said.

"No don't worry about it after yesterday pretty sure all of us didn't want to to go. We can always go tomorrow or another day before Mexico I got like a week here", he said.

"Okay sounds good for me and I need to pack soon", I said looking around my room nervously.

"Yeah but not yet, you sure you good?", he asked.

"I am good, nothing wrong", I said.

"I know my Beyoncé and she wouldn't ever be this nervous. Tell me what's on your mind", he sat next to me, to cuddle up to me.

He knows I can never resist moment like that especially stressed out like now. I sank myself into his position and just laid there thinking of what to say.

"My dad wants to talk to me tomorrow, I said yes but I don't know if I should go or not", I said.

"Oh does he want to apologize, his intentions good?", he asked.

"He wants to apologize but I don't know if he really does what do I do?", I asked.

"I think you should listen to what he says then decided whether or not to apologize to him. Don't convince yourself until you hear how he talks and his motives", he said.

"I will and hopefully tomorrow we go to the fair for real, I really wanna go so be up by lile nine or ten am", I said.

"I will what time you gonna meet up with your dad?", he asked.

"8 in the MORNING my dad is crazy", I said and he laughed.

"You're crazier than him honestly for saying yes", he said.

"I know that I bet you gonna get there late", I said.

"I won't I know you'll be late, so what we doing now?", he asked as he ran his hand through my hair.

"Let's make a baby and forget about everything else", I said waiting for his reaction.

"Have you been drinking or something?", he asked shocked and I laughed.

"No I just wanted to see your reaction, and it was priceless too bad I didn't get it on camera. We both know a baby right now would be hard to have with the way our careers are playing out. I feel like we still got a while but baby fever is getting into me", I said.

"Having a baby won't be impossible but I agree with you on waiting for a while like you might be dropped although I doubt you do want to change labels. I know how your parents view you have a kid while dating instead of marrying first.", he said and gave me kiss.

"I know baby and I know how you say that but if I decided not you wpuld be quick to join me in the idea. There be no other man on this earth who knows this and how I see this, then agree to dating me you're special. I could marry you in a heart beat", I said kissing him back.

"Well then will you marry me?", he asked and looked at me.

"Yes I will", I said.

"You ready but let me propose in the best possible way only good enough for Beyoncé", he said.

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