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"Who is she? Who is that girl?", I said outloud to myself.

"Did I hear tension and possibly drama on the rise", Solange said running into my room.

"It's none of your business little girl get back to your chocolate bowl", I said.

"Jay was talking to another girl wasn't he?", she said.

"Yes and he wouldn't tell me who he just hung up the call, barely let me see her", I said.

"He's a done deal give me his number KELLYY GET IN HERE", Solange said grabbing her phone.

"Wait get out of here Jay is calling me", I said.

"No I'm not", I gave her a look and she ran out the room.

"Hey Bey sorry about that interruption it was my mom trying to set me up with an old friend", he said.

"What type of old friend?", I asked.

"Not the most understandable friend we dated for 2 weeks and called it off, we don't talk much anymore but she is now like a sister to me. I care for her mainly because her mom put her through things and I felt like someone should give her a break she was a genius. I have no feelings for her and made that very clear she was surprised but quick to congratulate me. I gave her some help too though she still needs it, but nothing else", he explained me.

"Oh what type of help?", I asked.

"I offered her money for college, she said she struggling in California trying to build her life back up. Then maybe later she can be one of your makeup artist or for any other celebrities depends on her", he said.

"You are very nice I'll see her skill of good she is if it is my style maybe I could hire her. So nothing happened nothing else?", I asked.

"No my mom just be on her usual stuff, she doesn't really want me with you", I gasped.

"How didn't I realize that, well her and my dad would get along for sure", I said and he laughed.

"Oh yeah they definetly agree on us not together, well until they something about us all hell breaks loose", he said.

"Yeah watch them try to deal with that, alright I think I am going to take a nap", I said and he chuckled.

"Man and I wanted to talk to you", he said.

"We'll talk later good night", I said and hung up.

After I hung up I really did decide to take a nap.

Jaylin POV

"Gloria he is definitely with her and there ain't no way that I can split them up", I said, "I have never seen him so in love"

"Uh and it has to be with that girl, she is a whole mess couldn't he be with you", Gloria whined.

"You're supposed to be like my mom cause clearly she left me, but now you spumd like a kid what is up with that", I said and she slapped me.

"Never say that because I have my reasons don't make me tell your mom where you are living. You have to break up that relationship or I give her the address", she said.

"Black mailing I see, you know I could just go tell Shawn what you are doing. We both know that he will believe me", I shot back.

"Go ahead I'll just not pay you and you can kiss a place to stay good bye", she said.

"Give me a day which is today in between tonight and tomorrow I'll do it, you got the number of the girl", I said.

"Here you go", she gave me the number.

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