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"Beyoncé, Bey, Bey, babe", I said poking Beyoncé while she slept before she smacked my punched me.

"I'm sleeping", she said.

"I saw that's why I came to wake you up, but for reals your mom said to help her with dinner before going to the fair", I said.

"Tell her I'll be there in a bit", she mumbled.

"You're not gonna apologize for punching me", I said and she didn't respond instead chuckled sitting up.

"You know you were gonna get that for waking me up, don't forget all my terms and conditions", she said.

"I'm offended but whatever, I am going to act like you didn't just that", I said.

"Whatever makes you feel better now go cause you aren't about to see my butt when I stand up", she said and I walked out.

"Did she get up? Wait what happened to your cheek it looks a little red?", mama T asked.

"Terms and conditions, can I get some ice for it?", I said.

"Go ahead let me guess she punched you for waking her up because you poked her", she responded.

"Accurate and no apology instead she laughed, how did you know?", I asked.

"Solange did the same thing more than once I don't why it took her a while to get it", she said making me laugh.

"You shouldn't be laughing with that ice pack on your face", Solange yelled.

"But it was only once", I yelled back and mama T looked at me dead in the eyes, "sorry forget about the yelling I won't yell anymore"

"Good now Solange come over here", she said.

Beyoncé came out of her room with shorts almost showing her butt yet not at the same time, I couldn't help but stare accidentally a few times. That was before she noticed me staring at her butt and started to make her butt super obvious. It was funny even her mom couldn't help but laugh at her, especially when she fell down.

"Ow oh my god that hurt", she said cracking up.

"Bus down thotiana", I sang and we laughed even harder I almost fell too.

"Help me get up babe, someone left an ice on the floor disturbed my twerking", she said and I picked her up bridal style.

"Eww I could feel that ice melted on your legs", I said as I ran to her couch. I let her fly right on top of the couch and she surprisingly made it on with no issue.

"You didn't have to just fling me a cross the room like that", she said.

"I know but it was fun and you didn't get more hurt now sit off that soreness", I said.

"You need some ice for that?", Mama T asked jokingly.

"I think I'm good say it swells, well that is most peoples dream to get a bigger butt", she answered.

"Kardashian are scared they are calling all them plastic surgeons", I said and we began laughing again.

"Shawn you don't mind cutting up some vegetables in place of Bey?", Mama T asked.

"Not at all where they at, they'll be diced in a matter of seconds", I answered and she clapped.

"See solange what your up against he might just get your bed tonight", she said.

She chucked and then grabbed the vegetables for me to cut, I began chopping them up and then there was a knock on the door.

"Mom, what day is it again?", Beyoncé asked concerned as T walked to get the door.

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