Hi! A New Chance for a Flower and?!

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In the peaceful kingdom of Chanzon, the guardian of the kingdom sat in the highest tower of the castle guarding the 4 Nacharms that kept the balance of nature and the kingdom in tact. Her blue hair swayed in the wind as she sat in her usual silence. Standing up, she ventured down the stairs to meet up with the royals. Entering the royal courtroom, she is greeted by a little girl with short white hair who attacks her with an embrace.

"Hey! Hey! ~fure" the little girl exclaimed as she smothered her face into the guardian.

"Woah! Hold up there, Princess!"

"I'm sorry" she grins "I just learned how to make a snow flurry today! ~fure"

"Eh! Really?! Show me!"

The guardian stood in awe as she watched the little girl before her raise her tiny hands and create a big powerful snow storm. The white snowflakes whirled around the small child who was beaming from ear to ear.

"Woah! Well done, Princess Flake!" the guardian clapped "Excellent indeed."

As the snow ceased a huge crash echoed through the kingdom. The guardian unconsciously takes the child and places her behind her.


"Yeah... ~fure"

"Whatever happens, stay behind me."

"Okay... ~fure" Flake's voice cracked with nervousness as she watches the guardian.

Tick-tock-tick-tock. The sound of many footsteps is heard approaching the courtroom and quickly the blue haired girl spun around. There stood 3 people who were hidden in the shadows.

"She's here." A voice of a young lady was heard.

"Tch... This'll be easy..." A boy says.

Before the guardian could do anything, the King enters the room and attacks the shadows.

"Papa! ~fure" Flake shouts out.

"Flake! Stay there!" King Sage replies as he continues to attack the shadows.

"Take the children and the Nacharms before they do! Then go and find you know who!" he shouts out to the guardian.

Taking Flake by the hand, the girl ran back up to the tower. Her footsteps sounded desperate as she fumbled up the steps.

"Ugh! This is definitely not good..." she mumbles to herself.

Reaching the top, she lets out a sigh of relief to see the 4 Nacharms still in their place. The four Nacharms sparkled in the sunlight as they floated in mid-air. Closing her eyes, a bright light exited her hands as she took them out of their place. Hearing the sound of the clock again, she quickly glanced out the window before grabbing Flake by the waist and jumping out. Flake screams out in surprise and shuts her eyes shut. The guardian perfectly lands on the ground.

"Where are your siblings?"

"Um... I don't know... ~fure"

As if on cue, two more girls and a boy appears out of a bush. They had hidden there when they heard the crash in the castle.

"Boo! ~supa" the sister with bright yellow hair shouted.

"Ah! ~fure" Flake screamed before bursting into tears.

"Sparkle! Stop that! ~foru" Forte, the eldest brother, said as he took Flake into his arms.

"Come on, we have no time to lose. We have to go now." the guardian said with slight frustration in her voice.

"But what about mother and father? ~purin" Spring whispered.

"They'll be fine... I hope... but if their goal is the Nacharms then we've got to go now."

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