Yes! We're the Pretty Cure!

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Overwhelmed with emotions, the four girls sat motionless in Chanson. Dazing off into space, the girls neither blinked nor said a word. A little worried, Izumi stared at them. Learning about their identities a few days ago, she started to notice how big of a task being a Pretty Cure was. Regardless of their cool powers and their superhero-like being, here they were, normal girls just lazing about.

"Girls?" she asked

There was no reply. Only the turns of heads as they faced her direction.

"Okay, you're all beginning to scare me..."

Asahi grinned a creepy smile before jumping out of her seat "Right. Girls! Let's go out! I know we're exhausted, overwhelmed, feeling completely lost but there's absolutely no point in sitting here like lifeless dolls."

"Where should we go?" Sakura asked

"Um..." Asahi thought for a while "the mall?"

"Yeah why not" Akina shrugged "I definitely need to move"

"Hey? You guys coming?" Sakura asked the Amazaki siblings

"Of course we are!" Rana jumped

"We've got to be with you at all times, remember" Hanami grinned

"You come too, Shirana?" Yukine pouted

"Well, I can't say no now can I?" Shirana gave her a friendly smile

"Let's get going then" Kazuki opened up the door for the girls "I hope you don't mind watching over the store, Izumi"

"No worries, you guys need some fresh air and loosen up a bit" Izumi smiled as she beckoned them all out the door

Once outside, the group happily walked on the street, the sun beaming down on them. It was quite busy that day, the streets covered by people. Holding onto Shirana's hand, Yukine dragged her around whatever which way. Rana and Asahi window shopped, Akina and Kazuki were bickering about ice cream flavors and Sakura and Hanami made sure the group didn't get separated.

Just then, a familiar girl came into view, zooming around quickly. With short, messy hair, Sakura blinked as she was stopped by her.

"Oh hey! I know you!" the girl grinned

"Ah. It's Nanami Aozora..." Shirana smiled "Why are you in your uniform... it's summer?"

"Oh right... uh... I guess I have nothing nicer to wear" she shrugged "anyways, let's catch up shall we!"

"She's speaks fast..." Asahi whispered to Akina who laughed

"You're the girl who interviewed me when I became class president" Sakura smiled widely "nice to see that you're still... uh... hyper?"

"Yeah, I don't have an off switch"

"We can tell" Akina grinned

Shirana nudged Akina, but only leaving Akina to snort with laughter.

"I've just had the best day ever, I'm currently writing a report for school about events that happened during the summer and I've got the biggest scoop!" Nanami spoke quickly "anyways, do you know the Pretty Cure?"

Choking, their eyes widened with shock as Nanami continued to ramble.

"I just had an interview with them and they're pretty legit...!"

"Wait... you had an interview with them?" Sakura asked, completely confused

"Yeah! There are four of them and they're so cool! Like, awesome!" Nanami's face beaming with excitement "they're actually somewhere in the area" she whispered

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