The Beginning of the End

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Cure Crystal reappeared in a beautiful long dress with beautiful silver ribbons wrapped around her. Her long hair became whiter than before blinding to the eyes as the sun reflected from her. Standing like a soldier getting ready for battle she looked at everyone else around her. Cure Lumina was brightly standing beside her. Her medium length hair was now flowing all around her. Her skirt grew in length and was now covering her. Her mint green highlights became more prominent as she readied herself. Aria's once short hair grew to be just like her sisters. The red pierced their eyes as she made herself visible to them. The orange highlights blended in perfectly with the redness of her attire and hair. Her hair was blowing beautifully with the breeze. Finally, Cure Cerise appeared with hair that could fully wrap her body. Her dress grew longer as she closed herself allowing a tiara to be placed on her head, completely finishing the ensemble.

In their final forms, the newly transformed Hi! Chance found themselves stronger than ever. The Duke and Duchess could sense the new power but they weren't letting themselves be defeated. Kneeling down, Aria took a deep breath as she readied herself to run. Lifting her heels, with her eyes set straight on the goal, she flew like the wind. Becoming one with the air, her arm reached out, hands in a tight fist, she sent a strong blow to the Duchess. Flying backwards, she was caught by Crystal who was waiting with a majestic white flurry of snow. Getting caught in the freeze, she was trapped and unable to move. Meanwhile, Lumina gathered energy from the sun as she blinded the Duke with her light. Along with Royal Sky's rain, the couple were pushed into a corner.

Before they could deliver the final blow, the Duke and Duchess gave an eery smile. Suddenly, the ground began to shake as if an earthquake was occurring. Standing firm, the girls looked around in a confused manner. Raising their hands, they could see something familiar glistening as it rested on the palm of their hands.

Royal Sky narrowed her eyes "Archarms..."

Just like a signal, a loud defeating noise screeched through the entire area. Covering their ears and with their eyes almost shut, they barely saw the Archarms get sucked into the Duke and Duchess' bodies. Growing larger and larger by the second, a dark power was omitted. Sensing something wasn't right, the girls gathered together as they watched the Duke and Duchess form to become one body. The biggest monster they have seen yet, a perfect blend of the odd couple. Red lines seeped through its arms, legs and body, seeming vein-like and even their eyes began to glow a deep scarlet crimson.

"You are ours! We will defeat you" The monster yelled, bashing its hands down into the ground

Moving out of the way, they looked at each other in concern.

"That monster is extremely powerful, be careful" Royal Sky said "one hard blow could be fatal"

"No kidding..." Aria sighed

At that moment, a hand swooped beside them as it tried to grab Cerise who managed to dodge out of the way.

"Their goal is still Cerise..." Crystal muttered "they really can't quit can they?"

"I guess that's what we have in common then" Cerise growled

Angered, the monster began to summon a ball of powerful energy. Cautiously watching, the ball appeared to get bigger and bigger. Before anything could be done about it, they felt a magnet-like auction as they were pulled into the ball of energy. Unable to hold on any longer, they were dragged into a pit of darkness before finding the light once again. Opening their eyes, familiar sights made them jump in surprise.

"Oh no..." Lumina whispered "We're back in Shinhigahara..."

Turning around, they could see the park where they had last seen their families in the distance. Out of the portal, the monster came out.

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