The Role of a Princess

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With the incoming winter months, Sakura stayed in her bedroom where she could stay warm. Feeling lazy, she looked around before realising something was feeling odd. There was a weird lingering silence that couldn't be explained. Downstairs, she could hear her family members talking and the wind blowing outside her window but her room was quiet.

"Hey, Spring... it's awfully quiet today" Sakura said, only to get no reply back "Spring?"

That's when it hit her. Spring wasn't there. Checking Spring's bed, she looked around anxiously before hurriedly dressing and dashing down the stairs.

"Oh Sakura?" Her mother called out

"I'm going out with my friends! I'll be back soon!" Sakura yelled out before closing the door behind her

"Uh okay?"

Sprinting down the street, her head full of worry. Maybe she's just at Chanson with her siblings, she thought. Reaching the music store, she crashed open the door, accidentally hitting Izumi Saito.

"Woah, hold your horses" Izumi stepped back from shock

"Oh... sorry" Sakura panted "have... have you guys seen Spring?"

"Spring?" Kazuki looked around "isn't she supposed to be with you?"

"That's what I thought too!" Sakura freaked "I noticed my room was oddly quiet and then I realised she wasn't there!"

"Did you check properly?" Shirana asked from the counter

"Yes... I can't find her anywhere... I'm worried"

"Don't worry." Nanami spoke from the corner "I have a feeling I know where she went."

Meanwhile, in a beautiful and bright Kingdom, a pink haired girl wandered the gardens of the castle. With her head hanging low, Hanami made her way into the castle. It had been a while since she was there last and she had missed it. She missed being just a normal child having fun, with no responsibilities. Now her one biggest responsibility was gone and taken from her. Still blaming herself that the nacharm was taken, Hanami entered the Queen's chambers.

"Mother?" She called out

"Spring, dear? Is that you?" Queen Azure was lying in bed, resting but sat up when she heard her daughter's voice.

"Hello mother..."

"Darling, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be with the Pretty Cure"

"I'm a failure!" Hanami cried out, collapsing on top of her mother's bed

"Why do you say that?"

"I couldn't protect my nacharm..."

"Oh... Spring" the Queen gave her a big hug "it's alright, you can get it back"

"But I've failed as a Princess! My job was to protect the nacharm and now I've had it stolen! Sakura won't be able to transform until I get it back" Hanami wailed

"Spring, darling... give yourself a chance"

"Give myself a chance?"

"Yes. If you give others chances freely then you should be able to give yourself one. Don't be so hard upon yourself."

"But I still failed... everything's just going to down hill from here"

"To go up, one must go down... don't be so harsh on yourself. You've also abandoned your siblings and friends."

"I didn't want to see them..."

"They'll be awfully worried"

Just then, the door opened and the Duke and Duchess came in.

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