Trapped! A Seasonal Paradise

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Feeling relieved that her parents now knew of her identity, Cerise explained everything that had happened. Makiko and Seigo listened intently to what she had to say, not interrupting her once. Once she was finished, they gave her a big hug once again.

"Well... I did it" Cerise laughed

"Hah, it's kinda funny seeing you as Cerise with your parents" Lumina grinned

"We still have a lot more Tomerunda's to purify though..." Crystal said

"Whatever dude. You gotta ruin the mood like that?" Aria groaned

"She's right though..." Cerise nodded "Royal Sky has been caught by the Duke and Duchess... we've got to go rescue her"

"I suppose..." Aria sighed "well, let's get going then"

"You're not going without us!" Ryousuke shouted behind them

"Ryousuke?" Crystal turned round

"What he said" Hyla panted, clearly tired from running

"We did bad things too and the only way we can repay them is if we help you." Ryousuke explained

"Yes. Plus, we know the Kingdom more than you guys do." Sir Luminous said, finally appearing

"Grandad?" Lumina giggled "you look... tired"

"Ryousuke insisted that we run here."

"Typical" Crystal rolled her eyes and turned to the others "better get going then"

Cerise hugged her parents one last time "don't worry about us. We'll see you soon!"

"Good luck, Saku- or shall I say Cure Cerise?" Makiko smiled at her daughter, it seemed just like a few months ago when she was just a little baby

"We trust you to come home safely" Seigo patted her shoulder "now, don't keep them waiting."

The fairy mascots appearing, turned back human and formed a circle. With a small flash of light, they were whisked away into a portal. Blinded by the bright lights and multiple amount of colors that were surrounding them, they waited for their arrival. Opening their eyes, all they saw was a darkness that nearly pierced through them.

"Guys?" Aria called out only to no answer

"Hello...?" Lumina whispered as she stepped forward, yet nothing was in sight

"Strange..." Crystal mumbled to herself

"Where am I?" Cerise looked around rapidly trying to find an answer

All separated, away from each other, the four girls wandered around helplessly trying to find a way back to the Kingdom of Chanzon. Standing by herself, Cure Crystal soon found herself back home in Shinhigahara. Rubbing her eyes, she looked around in confusion.


Looking at herself, she realised she had turned back into her civilian form and wearing her regular outfit. Analysing her home, she noticed it was the exactly the same but she could tell something was different. Stepping towards the gate, she could hear the sounds of laughter coming from inside.

"Shirana! What are you doing?" Akina called out from the window


"Come on! Lunch is ready! You've been standing there looking dazed and stupid! Hurry up! Grandma is having a fight with dad over what chair to use!"

"Dad is here?"

"Well duh! Did he go somewhere?!"

Even though she had no idea what was happening, she walked in anyways. Looking at the entrance, she could see more shoes than usual. Peering into the kitchen, she could hear her Grandmother arguing with what appeared to be her dad. In the corner, her mom was making lunch with Naki who was trying to help. Akina just sat there silently watching the scene unfold.

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