Chapter 15: What to do?

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       The last D.A meeting before the holiday break had come and gone like that. Everyone has found their way out of the room, but I had deicided to stay a bit longer. With the heavy snow falling down and the constant gossiping going on in the Ravenclaw commons this seemed like the most calming place to just sit and draw in.
I hadn't been able to sketch much between the overwhelming course work, espcailly from Umbridge's class, to the constant teaching lessons that we had to attend. I was just glad that Christmas was only a few days away. A break from all of us was what I needed desperately. That and to see Remus.
It had heard from him since the morning I had left for Hogwarts and with him not returning my letters I was beginning to worry. He was the only family I had left and I just wanted to know if he was okay and safe.
Looking up from my drawing I spotted Harry still here. Staring at me.
"I didn't realize anyone was still here".
I shook my head and shot up.
"I can leave if you want-"
Harry shook his head and made his way over to me. Then he sat down on the floor and he patted the spot next to him for me to sit back down. Smiling, I did just that.
"You did great today". Harry said flashing me a grin.
Setting my book aside I smiled up at him.
"Well it helps that I have a teacher that knows what he's doing".
"Thanks". He said turning is attention to the necklace handing from my neck. "Have you heard anything from your uncle yet?"
Letting out a sigh I shook my head. "no. Which is worrying me".
Harry placed his hand on top of mine causing my face to heat up. Snap out of it, Cassie.
"Im sure he's safe, Cassie".
"I-I don't know". I said meeting Harry's eyes. Something about the way he was looking at me made me calm for some reason. It looked as if he was going to pull me into his embrace.
"he's all I have left Harry. I can't lose him too". Harry pressed his lips together. No tears were leaking from my eyes, but I knew that I was on the varge of tears but I didn't feel the need to cry.
"I know and you won't".
Letting out a breath that I was holding back I knew that with everything that Harry was doing for us, it only seemed fair to tell him what was written on my hand. Even if most of me wanted to keep it to myself. I did have a right to know.
"I must not use magic against others".
Harry raised an eyebrow at me.
I sighed.
"that's what was written into my skin". I said not facing him. "Umbridge gave it to me the day I had run into you and Ron in the hallway. You kept begging me to tell you".
"Can I see it?"
I placed my hand on Harry's lap and felt his hand touch mine. His fingers brushed over the nearly faded scar on my palm. With the pain from this one I had made it my goal to not get into trouble with Umbridge again. Though I knew being involved with the D.A would have serve conquienssions I didn't care.
"How did you get this?"
"Luna was getting picked on so I raised my wand at them". I said. "I wasn't going to just let them pick on her. Its not Luna's fault that she's weird. She's really nice and sweet when you get to know her. Maybe raising my wand at them wasn't the best idea, but Umbridge caught me in the middle of it and well..." I raised my hand up. "You know the rest".
Harry clenched his fist in his lap and looked down at the floor.
"I'm sorry that she did that to you".
"Its not your fault Harry. You didn't know".
"Even still, this is getting out of hand".
I nodded.
"At least break is only a few days away". I smiled. "I need a break from all this".
Harry smiled too as he glanced at me, "Agreed".

AHHH I can't wait until the next few chapters!

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